View Full Version : Just increased from 20 mg to 40 mg

03-08-10, 19:46
Well, after just over 6 weeks at 20 mg with little success, I am being bumped to 40 mg. I was actually given 40 mg tablets, otherwise I would try slowing increasing to 30 mg first, and then 40 mg. I am worried about the side effects of such a jump in dosage, but I am also getting pretty overwhelmed by the depression, so I need to find something that will work.

Is there an end to this? The doctor had mentioned that if this doesn't work, he is going to start me up on Effexor, which I've heard is a real pain to come off of. Not enjoying this at all!

03-08-10, 19:59
You could always get a pill cutter and cut them. Even though it is pretty hard to get them into quarters.

Good luck, hope all goes well for you!!

04-08-10, 10:27
Hi Northernlight,

Hopefully as you have been taking citalopram for a while the increase shouldn't effect you too much...it is hard to tell.

I think it is good that you recognise that you need the extra help and have taken it.

I hope all goes well for you but remember lots of support here for you if you need it.

Take care.

04-08-10, 15:50
Thanks Jo. I have decided to take it slow and jump to 30 mg for a week or so first. Last night was the first night on 30 mg and I wasn't able to fall asleep. I'm hoping that after work I'll be able to crash for a bit and just sleep. Good thing I didn't go straight to 40, I have a feeling I may have be in trouble.