View Full Version : checking symptoms

03-08-10, 20:32
I had my third panic attack last night - was on my own and thought I was going to collapse - dialled 999 and the ambulance came albeit I calmed down after 40 minutes in the ambulance although the chest pains continued for another few hours - didn't go to hospital but worried that it may happen again tonight. I know I just have to get through it but the fear that something really bad is happening is so strong - the burning all over, the chest pains, sweating, numbness is my head, lips and arms, hands were purple and felt like my chest was crushing - doctor has given me beta blockers but worried about taking them as last time they seem to worsen the symptoms and I went to A&E. Are these similar symptoms felt by others...

04-08-10, 07:47
Hi there I just wanted to let you know i know exactly how you feel. I get every symptom you can associate with a heart attack when I'm panicking including the feeling of doom, pain, numbness and the feeling someone is standing on my chest! It is extreamly frightening I find that if I get up and busy myself with something although it doesn't go away it gets less intense. I haven't had to ring 999 yet as I find the strategy works well for me I have also been telling myself that if I was having a real heart attack I would know!
It's so hard and scary tho! I suffer from extream anxiety and OCD this stems from PTSD and PND.

Feel free to private message me anytime. I will always try my best to help.

Love Claire xxxxx

04-08-10, 10:32
Hi there shore and Claire

I'm new to this site...I also suffer with the same symptoms that you both experience.

As well as severe anxiety I have been diagnosed by my Psychiatrist as Bipolar. Along with these problems there is social anxiety and depression.

Currently my medications are Depakote, Pregabalin, Sertraline and Zopiclone...a mixed bag for a real mixed up person :)

I too don't feel so alone now that I've found NMP forum...

Feel free anyone to PM me at anytime...

Sue x

04-08-10, 11:01
Hi Sue and Claire

Thanks for your responses - I agree that finding this site and talking to people with similar symptoms/circumstances makes you believe you're human again and helps you realise that it's not just happening to you.

Clare x