View Full Version : in need of help

03-08-10, 20:51
hiya i am new to this , but i have suffered with panic attacks for 2 years , not going out my door , i started getting help , but i have had a real bad set back these few weeks , so i am in need of help , i really cant feel the panic attack even though i have been told i must , has anyone any ideas for me please :D:D????

03-08-10, 20:52
Hi geminik1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-08-10, 20:54
Hi Gemini,

What do you mean you can't feel the panic attacks?

03-08-10, 20:57
it scares me to have a panic attack , i hate the feeling , so if i can avoid having one i do , thats why i dont go out

03-08-10, 20:59
Ah I see.

I take it you have seen your doc? are you on medication?

03-08-10, 21:04
my doc is useless , yes i am on three different tabs , two at night to help me sleep , and one in the morning , floufloxatine , i think that is how you spell it , i also have a lady come to my house once a week , she is from the mental health institute , she gives me tasks to do , ie , walk round the block . I was doing good , but last week and this week i keep having a panic attack every time i go out

03-08-10, 21:10
Has anything happened last week to make have this set back.

Can you contact this lady when you need her, anytime??

03-08-10, 21:12
i had an ear infection , i dont know if i can cantact her any time , i dont like to make a fuss . She has been on holiday for 3 weeks , she asked would i like someone to phone me , but me being me , no fuss , lol , i said no thanks

03-08-10, 21:19
Aww hun you should get all the help you can..it's hard I know but when you start saying yes it does get easier x

03-08-10, 21:31
do you suffer with panic attacks , if so are tyou on medication , how do you cope with having a panic attack ???

03-08-10, 21:37
I rarely get panic attacks..I do get palpitations now and again..I'm on seroxat but I'm waiting to see mental health team as they aren't working any more. I don't go out much myself and when I do I have to really talk myself into it. I'm not sure how I deal with any of it to be honest hun.