View Full Version : Eating

03-08-10, 22:10

I have a big problem with food, from my anxiety. Because I get very much panic and anxiety, I try to get ways to calm me down and make me happy. I always loved to eat and also my mother loved to feed me. To eat makes me calm and secure. But this becomes a problem to me- I get compulsion to eat, and in fact this becomes a new source of anxiety. I get very panic if I don't have access to food and opportunity to eat. This makes making new routine, for example holiday, or to be spontanious action difficult. Also difficult because I must withdraw from social and leisure etc, to eat after some time.

Also has physical effect- I am very obese and gets joint pain and respiratory illness. To eat is my only way to manage generally anxiety, but it is causing to me more stresses and problems. :weep:

Thank you
J xxx

04-08-10, 05:19
Hey J,

I understand what you mean. I've been through compulsive eating as a way to deal with anxiety, and it does take on a life of it's own!

Have you tried eating only healthy snacks when you need to eat. I know it doesn't have the same effect but it helps to break the cycle a bit. Cut up some carrot sticks or fruit and eat when you need to eat. Or eat wholewheat products rather than refined products.

Another good idea is to talk to your doctor about it. I spoke to one of mine and he helped me create a list of things that are good to eat when I need to binge and things that are bad to eat. And eating something small every hour or so. It's much like a diabetic diet.

05-08-10, 07:30
Thanks. I am tying to gt the good control of this and eat healthy but it gets so hard. It inspire me though that you find the ways to control it, maybe also I can. Thank you for the advices. Today, I hope it will be different. I feel such guilt and shame when I do this :weep: