View Full Version : have you ever had adrenal fatigue ??

fretty freda
04-08-10, 00:43
ive had anxiety disorder 10 years

i have low blood sugar which is getting worse food is not improving it now
i go dizzy when i stand
i am constantly exhausted
i have low blood pressure
i crave sweet foods
i shake

the above is not anxiety

i feel sick and at the exact spot were the adrenal gland is every morning i use to feel surges of the hormones

told my doctor he pretty much said i was fibbing as you cant feel adrenaline being secreted ..... why could i point to the spot were the adrenal gland is exactly ... i honestly didnt know were it was

i want my doctor to diagnose me with this

i want the medication to treat it

what is the treatment ?

what are the tests ??

please help

04-08-10, 02:51
could you go see another doctor? sorry i dont have the answers but your entitleed to another opinion.

04-08-10, 05:23
I have no experience with adrenal fatigue, but I do suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and understand how horrible it is when the doctor dismisses what you say or feel as 'silly' or 'normal' when it isn't.

The best advice I can offer you is to get a second and/or third opinion from other doctors. I changed from my family doctor (who had been my doctor since I was 5) to another doctor late last year because my family doctor didn't take me seriously. My new doctor is brilliant and actually discusses what I think and asks for my opinions then works through things with me.

I'd try another doctor, it's always good to have a second opinion anyway :)

04-08-10, 13:01
Are you hyperglycaemic? Would the gp be prepared to do that special long test they do to find out?