View Full Version : Gregs holliday update 3 aug

04-08-10, 08:13
Thankyou guys for your support, its a funny thing you know, ( fear )
you cant see it, it hides like a coward from you, tgen jumps out and bullies you, when you least excpect it, then it beats you up.
Well i have my own solution fir this, yesterday , being tue
we all whent to a theme park, now ,
one of my biggest fears are rides, getting on and being straped in, not being able to get of, even the kids rides, well yesterday i decided to catch my fear of gard
and it worked. I looked at this roller coaster, which i would not norm. Concider going on,
and said to my self, im going on and my fear is not going to bully me , i quewed up with my two kids , my wife looked on in amazement, i got on felt ok ish, it started and i was determin to have fun, and
what do u know, i loved it every turning minut.
I then got of and whent on Every ride there was , even the big boat ride, which norm i just look at and put my head down and walk away,
every ride , this made the whole day feel so different and took me to a new level in my day.
I will cintinue to fight other fears i have, i allready am planong a new day trip out for me and the fammily when i get back,
a jurny i would not have done before , and one i would norm not concider,
fear is not going go rule my life any more,
you can tame fear if you confront it, just like the bulie at school, if you confront him , or her, they would almost be your friend and leave you alone.
Hope for all , come on guys we can all have back the lifes you once had, no matter what your fear, with time and preparation , confrontation, and determination,
you WILL overcome them all.
Greg xxxxxx

04-08-10, 12:12
Great positive post :)

04-08-10, 12:19
GREG.....that is just fantastic...inspirational xxxx

04-08-10, 14:03
So glad to hear you are having a great time hon and congrats on doing so well and making plans for the future x

04-08-10, 15:08
Go Greg Go!!! Brilliant positive post...may it continue and you go from strength to strength.


05-08-10, 19:30
Thanks guys, i think going on the cits and having 17 days side efects, when that all went, almost inspierd me to chalange things in my life .
Iv done many things i would norm feel uncomftable about.
Today i went on a cable car up a cliff, which after looking at for 20 min. I did it and the fear was only 5% when norm befir cits, i wouldnt go near it. My fear would have been % 90% for sure. So something happend to me after cits , as iv enjoyed the whole time hear with my familly. Not once have i felt frustrated, angre iritable.
I beleve going to hell in cits side efects , then coming back out, has made me want life more.
So in some strange way , some funny twist,
cits has made a big change in my agaraphobia life.
Iv been on busses in strange places with 0 fear ir anxiety. So what next,
well im planning a boat trip tom to face my biggest fear. Open water and no way off, but ,!! Thinking abiut it, there is no butterflys, or worry in me , so something is deff changed after cits, without any dobt.
The world is at my mercy,..
Love to you all,,,
dear old greg...