View Full Version : sertraline side effects helpppppppp in a black place

04-08-10, 12:15

anyone get a vacant head and just can't talk or function on sertaline? i get the shakes and bad stomach and head ache half hour after taking it! i feel like i'm loosing the plot, only been on it 4 days 50mg after coming off cipralex as that was making me feel mad but the quick reduction of meds fro 20mg to 5mg has left me with intrusive ocd thoughts that i have never had before hence the sertaline

please help i'm in a black place

tinky x

04-08-10, 12:43

I just read your message about Sertraline. I've been on it for a good few months now, also having come off Cypralex. I'm on 100mg of the Sertraline and although I feel like it has been helping more than my last meds, I still suffer very badly from anxiety attacks, irrational thoughts, obsessive thoughts and at moment for example, I am suffering from a bad bout of anxiety / depression that seems to have completely washed over me....

... But I'm not sure if this is down to hormones... a new / scary situation in my life (new relationship) or the meds... could be a mixture of things. I am suffering the same kind of symptoms as yourself, ie the lack of concentration / barely being able to function, etc. I feel awful, but this might not be a consequence of Sertraline.... I really wish I knew the answers!!

But rest assured you are not alone in the way you are feeling!! When you say you are in a bad place... what do you mean?

Erin x

04-08-10, 13:21
thanks erin :O) the bad place i think is not seeing a way out of this and it never ending as this has been going on since nearly january and i have been off work since april, i feel i need to go back but i am so depersonalised and was employed for my job for my personality in customer services to get new accounts, they want me back but not while i'm like this.

i feel so bad for my partner :O( he has never had this and it's hard to understand but he has been great. did you have bad effects on cipralex? how many mg were you on? xxx

04-08-10, 15:54
I think you should consult your GP (you probably already are) before considering going back to work... to discuss whether you are ready or not. You don't want to be going back too soon.

In terms of medication... I didn't really have a bad experience with the Cipralex, just that I'd been on them for over 10 years (at different doses) and they were no longer having any affect on lifting my mood, etc. I was on 40 mg daily (started on 10mg).

With regards to your partner, it sounds as if you have a lovely understanding guy who will stick by you. A friend of mine suffers in the same way as me and when she goes through a bad time, her partenr doesn't really 'get it' as its difficult to understand fully unless you experience the same things... but he is very patient with her and accepts that it just part of who she is and he loves her to bits... I'm sure the same goes for your partner as you said he's been great through it all so don't worry!!

I worry sometimes about having to be signed off my work too... I've never had to be signed off officially but have had a few days off here and there because I feel too awful to go in and the anxiety symptoms take over everything. So again, you are not alone in this!

I hope you find a medication that works for you and that you feel better soon. You might find that (although it'll be very difficult at first) once you've been back at work for a couple of weeks you are more distracted and things ease off a bit. But again, only do this if you are ready and if your GP agrees its the right time.

All the very best x