View Full Version : Citalopram and Diazepam

04-08-10, 14:21
Looking for some advice and input from you guys n' gals from anyone who has started taking Citalopram and been given Diazepam aswell.

I started one week ago taking 10mg citalopram and as my GP is aware my anxiety is extreme said he wanted me on a course of 4 x 5mg of Diazepam to be taken throughout the day until the cit gets into my system. Spoke to him again yesterday and he wants me to go up to 20mg cit as of this coming Monday.

My two concerns are that I'm through the roof even on 10mg of cit and although I've only used Diaz in past if very bad(had to be persuaded sometimes to take it from family or medical staff as I'm against Diaz) I'm scared of becoming addicted to it especially when I increase my cit next week.

For a few days now I've tried only taking 3 x 5mg which Doctor says is my choice to take 3 or 4. He knows my concerns of Diazepam addiction.

Basically looking for anyone who has went through a similar introduction to Citalopram and has any advice to offer.


04-08-10, 15:07

I have taken citalopram in the past and taken diazepam due to the side effects it causes.

Firstly I am a bit concerned (even though I am not a GP) that your GP has suggested upping to 20mg so soon.....especially if your anxiety is through the roof?? I would of though he/she would of wanted to wait until it had settled a little before increasing.

Secondly, dont be afraid to take the diazepam...when I took it when I actually couldn't cope without it rather than on a regular basis, that way I knew I wouldn't become addicted to it. Taking it short term is fine, its when you take it regularly and long term that it is difficult to come off.

I hope that has helped and am sure you will get plenty of responses as there are lots on here taking cit.

Good luck with it all...it will really help once in your system and working.


04-08-10, 15:20
oh my god....you are in the same dilemma that i am in...so i will await the responses.
i am on cit 20mg since the 9th july....and my panic/anxiety is high...i have been given diazepam to see me through until the meds kick in....they havent yet.
im not sure if i should ask the doc to increase my cit meds or should i just pop a diazapam as and when needed....if someone can help me as well as glasgow guy it would be oh so appreciated....glasgow guy....i am also scared of addiction.....but they just calm all my panics away.....so i just dont know xxxx kindest regards tracey xxxxx i know i am a complete pain...so sorry for posting so many times - i do hope you are all not getting sick and tired of me xxxxxx

04-08-10, 15:32
I can't offer any advice on the diazepam, btu I can say that for me on 10mg CIT the anxiety did not start to ease until around day 14. I stayed on that for 16 days and have been on 20mg for 5 days now and have an increase in anxiety again although this time I know it is the tablets and not the anxiety itself.

04-08-10, 16:13
I woudl agree with JT69. 20mg may increase it even further at them moment.

04-08-10, 16:30
i have been on 20 mg cit since the start which was just under 9 weeks ago.
I was also precribed 15 mg of diazapam at the same time.
I too was very anxious about taking both becoming addicted etc etc.
But so far for me it has worked out well with no side affects and i have gradunally reduced my diazapam usage which went down to zero mg for 2 weeks and now i,m running around on between 2-6 mg a day depending on how i,m coping. Its not always a straight path 3 steps forward 1 step back etc etc

So i have to say that they have worked fantastically well for me and i was not aware how much of an instant feel good factor the diazepam bring for extreme anxiety.
I am very much on the recovery but i,m still fragile in some respects and like this week for example where i have been pitching for 2 new pieces of work my stress and anxiety levels have gone up again which becuase my nerves where so shot to bits i,m navagating through the stress and tension i,m expereincing if you know what i mean.
There are more ways to feel good other than the above drugs
good diet
The above defo aid the recovery process

I,m in Glasgow to so if you ever want to talk we could chat on the phone - its always helpfull to speak with others in the same boat :) and there is NHS help ( not that widely known about ) and charity organisations that i can make you aware of that can help you get to a better place and aid you.


04-08-10, 16:37
oh my god....you are in the same dilemma that i am in...so i will await the responses.
i am on cit 20mg since the 9th july....and my panic/anxiety is high...i have been given diazepam to see me through until the meds kick in....they havent yet.
im not sure if i should ask the doc to increase my cit meds or should i just pop a diazapam as and when needed....if someone can help me as well as glasgow guy it would be oh so appreciated....glasgow guy....i am also scared of addiction.....but they just calm all my panics away.....so i just dont know xxxx kindest regards tracey xxxxx i know i am a complete pain...so sorry for posting so many times - i do hope you are all not getting sick and tired of me xxxxxx

It does take time for them to help. I know how you feel. Hang in there.:)

09-08-10, 11:15
Well is day 13 since starting back on Cit and up to 20mg of cit today after being on 10mg. Cut back further on Diaz over weekend to one on Saturday and two yesterday kinda bracing myself for the 20mg going into my system.

I know being in this worried state before it even begins is bad but I'm dreading it. My GP is off on hols this week and don't see him again until start of next week. Just worried about this 'high as a kite' feeling I get.

I've been there before with cit going onto it but didn't feel as bad first time around. Oh the joys lol.

fuzzy head
09-08-10, 19:58
I've just started on 20mg Cit without diaz. Having bad headaches. Was it the same with you? Feels like my head is going to explode.

10-08-10, 09:37
I've just started on 20mg Cit without diaz. Having bad headaches. Was it the same with you? Feels like my head is going to explode.

I know its a side effect I aint suffered too bad so far from it. I've had the odd fleeting headache. Is more probs with my nerves but I'm a worrier anyway.

10-08-10, 12:32
I found the move to 20mg much easier than when I started on 10mg to be honest

10-08-10, 14:17
I found the move to 20mg much easier than when I started on 10mg to be honest

Nice one. Anxiety and panic is my main issue/problem which led to the depression mixed in. I know from the great posts on here you need to give it time. Lol just a nightmare feeling hyper and getting ready for the challenges ahead once cit kicks in after x amount of weeks.

10-08-10, 16:06
My issue is anxiety and panic and when I started on the 10mg I did have the increased anxiety and sleepless nights for while. However for me the 20mg only really mean't I had one bad day a week after I increased.

Now however nearly all of my morning anxiety has gone and I am getting a good solid 7 hours sleep a night which helps soooo much lol

10-08-10, 16:27
My issue is anxiety and panic and when I started on the 10mg I did have the increased anxiety and sleepless nights for while. However for me the 20mg only really mean't I had one bad day a week after I increased.

Now however nearly all of my morning anxiety has gone and I am getting a good solid 7 hours sleep a night which helps soooo much lol

Cheers good to know and thanks for the response. Been on Cit before and don't remember the side effects being just as bad. In all fairness my anxiety/panic is worse than back then. Is just the riding it out part is a pain. Back living with my parents and feel the guilt/pressure it's putting on them.

10-08-10, 20:55
I'm on 20mg of Cit and have been given 5mg of Diaz, last time they gave me stronger ones. I'm quite excited, I love free (legal) drugs.

I'll be interested to see how groggy I am in the morning though, I have been feeling really....really tried in the morning, even though I am sleeping all the way through the night with Cit.

11-08-10, 10:24
Yesterday was a bit varied. Still a grumpy nervous person in the morning, as high as a kite once Cit kicks in and at night just feel boredom/frustration kicking in. I don't work(and couldn't at moment) but trying to do stuff to fill me day even though I can see it far enough. Just impatiently waiting on the Cit to settle.

13-08-10, 10:07
On day 5 of increasing to 20 mg of cit(17 in total). Trying to cut back on Diazepam if I feel I can hack it. Day still feels the usual routine as I've posted before. Agitated, anxious, tense, stressed and the 'high' feelings from the Cit. Lol I'm so impatient just itching for this to work.

Family telling me they are seeing a difference but feel I'm just trying to mask the symptoms from them. Going to see GP again next week. Interesting to see what he says but I get panicky about appointments(due to taking panic attack going to docs last year).

Happy days

14-08-10, 21:38
Sorry if I go on a bit. Kinda using this is a diary or just to get things off my chest.

Day 6 on 20mg of Cit. Felt a bit depressed yesterday and today. Trying to avoid the Diaz to see if I can cope. Do feel bit hyper at times but depression feeling odd as aint had that in a while. Been so focussed on the anxiety n side effects. Hey ho.

Things should get better next couple of weeks once it settles into my system.

16-08-10, 09:37
Well I've had my first full week on 20mg of cit and been pretty bad. Had the odd good moment mind you I've been able to cope or feel distracted. I'm optimistic this will work in time. Has helped me in past and see others who have been helped when reading these forums. Just sick of the mood swings. Anxiety, depressed and hyper. Ggrrr. Need to give the cit time to get into my bloodstream/system over coming few weeks as I've mentioned before I'm an impatient so n so and just wish I cold fast forward 6 weeks. Got GP tomorrow morning so see what he says.

16-08-10, 12:08
i am oh so sorry to hear that you have been bad....i am impatient too...as you know xxxxx
lets hope they start to kick in soon....week 5 for me i think and i am still a nervous wreck....and high anxiety and panic attacks...but fingers x.....i am trying to calm down.
please keep us posted xxxxx

16-08-10, 13:43
Cheers Calm. Hanging on in there and a day at a time.

17-08-10, 06:26
Mate, before you know it you'll be back to normal. I found I was tripping out for the first 5 -6 weeks after going on Cit (and I started out on 20mg). But after that it settled down nicely and then I was left feeling just slightly anxious. It was a good 8 weeks before I was feeling noticeably "different". Not sure how long I've been on now - maybe 5 or 6 months but I feel almost totally normal now. The reason I say almost is because I definitely do not feel emotions in the same way or cetainly not as intensely as I did before starting Cit. This medication saved my job and probably my life. Give it time, it can take up to 12 weeks to become fully effective. I know that's probably not the most comforting thought at the moment but I can guarentee you what you're feeling now will pass.

All the best mate


17-08-10, 07:25
Hi there
I started on 20mg of cit with 2mg of diazepam as a back up. I had bad side effects for a few weeks on the 20mg of cit but then after about 3 months I was still feeling anxious so my Dr increased to 40mg still with the 2mg of diazepam as back-up. Did not have terrible side effects when increasing to 40mg of cit, just a bit spaced out as though I was not really here! I have now been on cit for about 10 months in total and still on the 40mg and I feel so much better. I still have moments, but don't we all, but I have always got my 2mg of diazepam if I need them and I have never become addicted to them and very rarely need to take one.
You will get there, it is a bit of a struggle for the first few months, well it was for me, but you will start to feel better, I was a wreck at the end of last year but I am feeling just like my old self now and really wish you all the very best and that you get to that place yourself.
Jannie x x

17-08-10, 08:27
Thanks for the post of encouragement. Really appreciate to hear good experiences.

Had an odd day yesterday where didn't feel my usual cit 'rush' I get but come half 3 felt the tension/stress/nerves kick in and resorted to a Diazepam.

Got GP appt this morning. Am a nervous wreck and feel panic kicking in. All started last year taking my first panic attack before a GP appt and having to drive myself to docs. About a 5 min drive. Been a big underlying problem 'meeting appointments' since. I know through CBT i should turn the 'what if.....' into a 'so what' but just a pain. Feel so embarrassed and ashamed about making an appointment, embarrassing myself in waiting room or with GP and the drive down. Gggrrr!!!!

17-08-10, 11:43
Survived going to GP and going on my own rather than without a family member. Felt really really tense stressed during it. His opinion is much same as mine with taking things gently/slowly/patiently which is frustrating but we both know that is sensible way forward. Said at some stage consider upping dose from 20mg of cit to 30mg and to try and cut back on the Diazepam from three 5mg Diazepam to two 5mg so that doesn't become an issue. Whether this is right or wrong sometimes having them as a back-up is the crutch I need to get me through day even though I sometimes need them and sometimes don't.

Lol sorry just a random rant/diary update to share my experiences with everyone else. I know we are all different aswell as our GP's being different. We all have different tolerances and can react different to the side effects or medication. Hope it helps someone out there going through same as me and any comments are more than welcome. Think its camomeile tea and stress relief cd time.

18-08-10, 04:55
Hi Mate,

I felt just having the tranquiliser as a backup was enough to get me through an horrendous period. I had some really scary times and kept challenging myself to hang in there. I knew I could have the tranq if things got totally bad and reality all came crashing down and I started to go totally insane and grow horns out of my head. Funny thing - it never reached that stage, I always knew I could hold out for just a little bit longer...

Stay focussed on getting better and before you take your next diaz maybe question yourself as to just how bad things are and whether you can go without them. Just trying to help mate so please don't take this as anything but encouragement. I, like you, had a chronic fear of becoming addicted to tranqs - which I think was definitely a plus in the end.



18-08-10, 09:09
Cheers for the encouragement. Makes sense and is how I feel sometimes.

On the plus side yesterday I avoided the 'Citalopram rush' I normally get an hour or two after taking the pill in the morning. Second day on the trot. Is a positive. Downside was feeling really tense/stressed. I mean major. As if blood pressure going through the roof. No idea if this is just my mental state, the illness or meds. Maybe a mixture of all three. Who know, eh? Was like waking up this morning feeling ok then BAM feel the stress n tension again. GGRRR. I'm now on day 11 of 20mg of Cit after approx 12 days on 20mg before it.

19-08-10, 09:25
Had a strange day of positives and negatives yesterday.

Bad news first. Got my 'Citalopram rush' back after two days without it. Good few hours of just feeling as high as a kite. The tension/stress/anxious/high blood pressure feeling I've had recently was there entire day. Is a pain and just try and remain positive throughout.

Good points were I went out and about a bit yesterday which I really didn't feel like doing. Delivered some leaflets for about an hour and a half for my Dads new kinda business venture, went to gym then for a swim after walking about 3 miles and at night went out for a meal with some family for my Grans birthday. These I need to take as positives I just hate turning round to my parents after I get a pat on the back for good day and saying 'I know but I still feel like rubbish'.

Woke up this morning just feeling same tense/stressed/mind racing kinda way. Have a CBT Therapist who comes to see me on a Thu night at home. Went private to see if she can shed any light on it. Gets frustrating as I've now had 4 appts with her and I've politely said last week or two 'look this n this are the problems'. Nice lady I'm just kinda like 'come on get to the point now'.

Will see how today goes. Anyone else feel this dull tense feeling all day? I struggle being specific with what it is exactly but as I said seems a mixture of tension/stress/high blood pressure/hyper.

Cheers folks

19-08-10, 09:59
Anyone else feel this dull tense feeling all day? I struggle being specific with what it is exactly but as I said seems a mixture of tension/stress/high blood pressure/hyper

I get a tense feeling which tends to be in proportion to how anxious am at the time. Feel it all over, but seems to be my shoulders that get it worst (could count on one hand how many days they've not ached). Dunno if this is a similar thing to what you mean? I've not had any feelings of high BP, but have been on meds for my blood pressure for years.

19-08-10, 14:19
I get a tense feeling which tends to be in proportion to how anxious am at the time. Feel it all over, but seems to be my shoulders that get it worst (could count on one hand how many days they've not ached). Dunno if this is a similar thing to what you mean? I've not had any feelings of high BP, but have been on meds for my blood pressure for years.

I kinda feel it all over but my arms are the worst for it. Just feels as day goes on its there in the background.

19-08-10, 15:04
I don't know if this is an option, but I was prescribed propranolol (beta blockers) with my Cit, rather than diazepam.
If you are still worried about the diazepam, is it worth asking your GP?
My instructions were to take prop regularly for a few days and then when needed. I only take them when the anxiety is getting totally out of hand, as they make me so tired (I already feel tired from the CIt!), so that's the down side. But to the best of my knowledge they're not addictive.

19-08-10, 20:43
I don't know if this is an option, but I was prescribed propranolol (beta blockers) with my Cit, rather than diazepam.
If you are still worried about the diazepam, is it worth asking your GP?
My instructions were to take prop regularly for a few days and then when needed. I only take them when the anxiety is getting totally out of hand, as they make me so tired (I already feel tired from the CIt!), so that's the down side. But to the best of my knowledge they're not addictive.

Is an option worth considering. Thanks. I know the name Beta Blockers but not an awful lot about them. This tension/stress/anxiety seems to be constant just now and deep down feel is a mixture between going back on the Cit and the side effects that come aling with it and just my general/constant anxiety.

20-08-10, 09:04
Well yesterday was a mild improvement on couple of days previous. Still had similar symptoms but not as sever. Had an appt an night with a CBT Therapist which did kinda send the anxiety through the roof. Was appt five and found she was still info gathering. I felt by this stage she would be more forthcoming with 'this is the problem and this is how we are gonna deal with it' rather than discussing my musical tastes and how I felt when I moved high school 25 years ago. I went private and was kinda looking for her idea/perspective on what to do once cit kicks in so can hit the ground running. Thinking of cancelling future appts as went private to see her.

Feeling really tired and a bit down this morning. Did a lot more exercise in gym yesterday plus a restless sleep. Just feeling if yesterday saw a mild improvement hopefully this will be start of a trend where more and more days become more tolerable.

21-08-10, 09:06
Yesterday I didn't do an awful lot to be honest. No 'cit rush' which is good. Hoping this is now gradually easing with time. Went briefly to gym just really for a sauna, jacuzzi, brief swim and shower. Was as stiff as a board from being in gym the day before. Went briefly to local shopping centre after that to see if there was a book in the local book shop. After that I came home about 2ish and really didn't do anything at all. No diazepam yesterday which was a relief. Could kinda feel boredom REALLY kick in as evening went on but just felt I couldn't be bothered doing anything.

Lol well there we go. That was day 12 on 20mg of cit.

22-08-10, 09:02
Yesterday was so so.Positives were no 'citalopram rush' as I've described it an hour or so after taking my tablet in the morning. Managed to go to gym. I'm thinking the cit is slowly getting into my system at last.

Negatives were blinding headache a lot early afternoon. I'm aware this can be a side effect. Get that really bad bored/frustrated feeling at night where is a mixture I really couldn't go out but I need to get the heck out of my house for a break.

Woke up this morning not feeling so good. Getting the 'oh no here we go again' feeling. Hate it.

22-08-10, 13:01
I'm sorry if my posts are a bit on negative side and uninteresting to folks.

I'm having a really bad day just feel got slight relief going to my GP a few weeks back that I was doing something about it.

Really really struggling to get motivated and anxiety seems in my mind 24 hours a day. I'm so tuned into my feelings even when things are a little better at times during day. Really had to force myself out of bed this morning. Went for a 30min swim feeling terrible and to local shopping market for food. Thought I was gonna burst out crying.

Is anyone else suffering this constantly tuned into your feelings mode? Even when I get a sleep I'm either dreaming about it or having bad nightmares.

23-08-10, 03:47
Hi Mate

Hang in there, it's tough... Cit can cause havoc with your moods and your emotions can swing quite radically - this is normal. I kept questioning my sanity which I suppose was a good thing because it proved I wasn't crazy. My arms used to get really bad ache but I put this down to heightended anx and not the meds. I know all too well what you mean about the mind-racing and waking up feeling tense and stressed. My shoulder and neck muscles virtually seized up and I would also wake up sweating because of the tension. You're not crazy but you are in pain. Stick with it, mine took 8 weeks to become effective. You're doing really well to get out and about, this will help you in the long run.

All the best


23-08-10, 08:25
Thanks for the support Rich. Means a lot. Just had awful day yesterday feeling really depressed till mid-afternoon, anxious, bored, frustrated. Had an arguement with my Mum when my parents returned from weekend away. She gets frustrated at lack of moving forward. She has helped me so much and I love her for it but the arguements like that just leave me in a mood. Wound up this morning still.GGRRR

23-08-10, 09:18
Is anyone else suffering this constantly tuned into your feelings mode?

Yes - I'm trying desperately hard not to. I started meditation a few years back and it generally helps me with this, but just at the moment I'm struggling. SO I'm spending the day either trying to remember my meditation principles, or just worrying about how I'm feeling. Either way, my mind doesn't stop and I'm exhausted.

Work is a nightmare - I have very little concentration or energy left for my job.

We'll get there though mate. it's just a hell of a rough journey to get there.

23-08-10, 09:21
Yes - I'm trying desperately hard not to. I started meditation a few years back and it generally helps me with this, but just at the moment I'm struggling. SO I'm spending the day either trying to remember my meditation principles, or just worrying about how I'm feeling. Either way, my mind doesn't stop and I'm exhausted.

Work is a nightmare - I have very little concentration or energy left for my job.

We'll get there though mate. it's just a hell of a rough journey to get there.

Thanks for the post mate. Just a tough time for me just now and my parents. Is frustration all round. It's that feeling I guess we all have of 'when is this just gonna get better or more manageable!!'

23-08-10, 09:42
Thanks for the post mate. Just a tough time for me just now and my parents. Is frustration all round. It's that feeling I guess we all have of 'when is this just gonna get better or more manageable!!'

Yeah, and if you're anything like me, you probably heap guilt on yourself for worrying your parents so much. But we can't do that - we already have enough to deal with and the most important thing is they know we are trying to get better. Now, if only I could practice what I preach!

It's great that you have them as support. I'm lucky enough to have a very understanding wife, but my parents live nearby and are a great support to me too.

23-08-10, 12:06
Thanks for the support sheephead. You're right just have the guilt that cause I live with my parents(loving relationship, we all get on) and they are seeing me go through this they are encouraging but frustrated, sympathetic but argue. Only want best for me and to get my health back.

Got into a convo first thing with my Mum about it today and it just sets me off. Just feeling this pure stress/tension all over just now with the racing/anxious/worrying mind that won't switch off.

I've only been on 20mg of cit for two weeks exactly now so know in six weeks time should be a step in right direction.


23-08-10, 12:15
hi guy im on day 16 ov upping to 20mg n must admit side effects have susided a lot,, days seem managable more still get a it ov a fuzy head, but i can see a bit ov light in the tunnel, hang in there guyssss xxx

23-08-10, 12:22
Thanks Ellie for replying. Glad your side effects are subsiding.

I feel my 'citalopram rush' I was getting a lot at first is subsiding. Always kicked in an hour or so afterwards taking it in the morning. Still feeling the old mind racing and feeling stressed. Should subside with time.

I'm delighted you side effects are subsiding pal. As we say in Glasgow 'On yerself' (American version would be 'go gal')

24-08-10, 08:42
Sheesh does this get any better? Just waking up each morning and feel the tension straight away and start obsessing about my 'condition'.

I try and take one day at a time and not look too far ahead. Habit of thinking when will I be able to work again, when will I be able to get a place of my own, when will I have and be able to cope with a social life again. I feel I've totally withdrawn from just about everything in life and this sounds pathetic but the kinda CBT road to recovery is really scaring and daunting me. Is as if my anxiety/panic/depression episodes are one thing but feel the tension and stress in my body is its way of reacting to my constant worry.

Sorry to be so negative as I love these forums and the positivity that comes out of them is great. Anyone been or in same boat?

24-08-10, 09:05
We have all been in the same boat at one time or another.

When I first started looking at the self help route I read and listened to the Claire Weekes guides and the scariest and hardest part of all is to stop worrying and fighting the fear and just accept it as part of your life. My brain just flipped at that thought and I was convinced that if I did that I would go mad and be mad for life.

Turns out though, once I did just accept it as part of me, in the same way I have blonde hair and blue eyes the fight was so much easier. Instead of fighting against it I just went with the flow, knowing that it was a small part of me not the best part of me.

My counsellor describes the personality as a family, there is the stroppy agressive cousin, the caring aunt etc etc. The anxiety is the youngest member who usually gets shut out and told to be quiet and then one day starts shouting at us for not listening to them more. Let that part have it's day and then let one of the others (the strong confident capable uncle lol) get back in charge whilst we heal

I may have just rambled on there too much so sorry.......but it really helps me to think of things like that

24-08-10, 09:26
Thanks for answering blonde I really appreciate it. Just at that stage with all the pro help and reading it kinda feels that yes I need citalopram to take me from A to B but is me going from B to C is scaring the you know what outta me. Had picked up for a week or so there after relief of going to see GP. I wrongly spat the dummy with pro help and stopped a/d's abruptly. This was wrong. I know I gotta do the hard bit it's just so scary. Sorry my threads are so negative just now and I apologise if it brings anyone else down or if get told to stop moaning about it and get on with it.

24-08-10, 17:15
Sorry my threads are so negative just now and I apologise if it brings anyone else down or if get told to stop moaning about it and get on with it.

Hay, don't be sorry, from what I can see you offer plenty of support to others on here and shouldn't feel bad for posting when you could do with some too.

All the best.

24-08-10, 18:05
You still have to go a long way to beat my record when I first started of posting daft questions, crying out for help and generally living on here.

The support is here, we have all been there or still are and all have good, bad and ok days. remember the good and write those down to, gives you hope when you most need it

24-08-10, 18:31
Thanks pal. Went on the chatroom on the site for a bit today and was a good laugh. Still feeling crappy but ok for an hour or so. Better than nowt.

25-08-10, 13:35
Yesterday was up and down. Felt depressed at varying parts of day. Tried getting out for a swim and delivered leaflets for my Dads business. Also helped my Dad jetwash a patio and spent time on chatroom which was great. Some nice people on there. Cheered me up when I was on there with some of the banter and got caught up in it my anxiety/stress/depression lifted.

Maybe coincidence I take Cod Liver Tablets from time to time. Heard they are supposed to be good for your brain. Depression lifted slightly after taking it. Maybe was just me, maybe was just the Cod Liver agrees with me. Who knows?

26-08-10, 23:04
GG: there is loads of research about food and depression.

The brain is a complex organ and needs lots of minerals and vitamins to function at its best.

There is loads of info here:


I might post this in the main forum actually.

26-08-10, 23:13
GG: there is loads of research about food and depression.

The brain is a complex organ and needs lots of minerals and vitamins to function at its best.

There is loads of info here:


I might post this in the main forum actually.

Thanks for the link. Had a browse through but need a really good read at it. Be good idea posting it on main page if you can.


27-08-10, 09:49
Well off to the GP at lunchtime today. Appointment wasn't for another two weeks but had to bring it forward. Feel in a very very bad place just now and can't kick it. Fear if I go into the GP and tell him exactly how bad my anxiety and depression is the 'men in white jackets' be putting in an appearance. Well will see what happens. Same problem different day it feels like.

Sorry for a negative post as this forum is great and always so positive and helping. I have side effects from my citalopram but it aint down to the meds as had these symptoms on varies others. Hey ho lets see what happens today.

27-08-10, 10:14
Hope it goes okay with your GP.

27-08-10, 14:20
Went ok with GP. Agreed the lack of social interaction is having an impact which is causing me to think so much. Getting referred to a Community Psychiatric Nurse(CPN). Kinda relief at that as something has to be done.

27-08-10, 18:39
Glad to hear you are getting extra help hon. Hope it all goes well for you