View Full Version : Feeling sick everyday... whats wrong with me :-(

Carly Lou
04-08-10, 14:51
Hey guys, seems all ive done lately is post threads on here... thought i was getting a bit better .......
Just got over a nasty bought of ibs... if that is what they say it is...
Everyday i feel sick... i havent actually been sick for 2 weeks (yippee) but i feel sick.... got a bit of tummy ache with it today... i just cant understand why i am feeling sick... is it the ibs.. or is it my anxiety ?? or worse, undiagnosed cancer at 25.................
it is actually depressing me somewhat now.... im worried about going anywhere.. as ill feel sick or have tummy ache.... i just dont know what to do, ive been to the doctors... he said ibs and anxiety...
silly me just read something on mailonline about a lady who was diagnosed with ibs but it happened to be ovarian cancer............ Great....... so im worried out of my mind now with that..
Someone please help, i just dont know what to do :-(


04-08-10, 19:20
Hei hun. I've been the same. It'll be your IBS playing up & it'll be worse at the moment because you're panicking.

04-08-10, 19:28
Hi! I know exactly how you feel and I think a lot of us do. It is the constant "what if?" that seems to drive us mad and I have been there and sure will be again plenty of times. The diagnose of IBS or simply explaining your symptoms with anxiety is most probably correct. However, the problem with that is that we will never really now 100 % that we are perfectly healthy. I once had a chat with a doctor who said something that at first really upset me but after a while of thinking I realized that he is right.

So here is what he said: "Tami (this is my first name :-)), I can tell you that your blood tests have come back absolutely normal - again. The physical examination tells me that there is nothing wrong with you. So at this present moment I would say: You are healthy. I could send you away for a MRI but there is no 100 % test that will set you free because you know yourself that 5 minutes after walking out of this office you could develop a life threatening illness and we wouldnt know so try to enjoy life and not worry all the time about things that you cannot control. However, if you feel ill or are worried, you are always welcome to come back."

This had really shocked me when he said that but after a while it gave me a bit of kick up the .... so I hope it will do the same for you.


Tami xxx

04-08-10, 19:47
So here is what he said: "Tami (this is my first name :-)), I can tell you that your blood tests have come back absolutely normal - again. The physical examination tells me that there is nothing wrong with you. So at this present moment I would say: You are healthy. I could send you away for a MRI but there is no 100 % test that will set you free because you know yourself that 5 minutes after walking out of this office you could develop a life threatening illness and we wouldnt know so try to enjoy life and not worry all the time about things that you cannot control. However, if you feel ill or are worried, you are always welcome to come back."

Oh, I really wish I had your doctor. I have a bad relationship with mine lol.

04-08-10, 20:00
He was really good, unfortunately he has moved on and left the surgery I am going to. But it does help because that way of thinking and accepting the fact that nobody can give you a gurantee is scary but also helpful because it makes you stop taking the anxiety so seriously. I still suffer with it now but I find that can get myself out of the loop a bit quicker

Hope it helps a bit, its hard to explain so I hope I got it across the way its supposed to have across xxxx

Tami x

Carly Lou
05-08-10, 17:25
Hey Tami... when i read what you said your doctor said, the part with " leave here and get get a life threatening illness.........." i felt my heart sink... but he is absoloutly right... i have tried to hard to pass this sick feeling off as ibs.... but i just cant help but think the worse.... i have felt kind of ok today, had a moment of feeling sick about 30 mins ago, so i decided to just have a apple, and i feel okish..... i struggle to believe that all these tummy pains, sicky feeling etc is ibs.... i keep thinking something is being missed, but you are so right, last year i had 3 blood tests, all were fine, a abdominal scan, was fine, smear test, was fine.... so it must be my ibs... i need to be rational about it... but the feeling sick really does make everything seem so bad to me... i hate feeling sick at the best of times... but urgh... its starting to interfere with my social life... i worry about feeling sick when i go out, therefore i make myself feel sick if that makes any sense, example.. i have a hen weekend to go on tomo ( not my own) fri to sun,.... and i am so worried im going to feel and actually be sick.... so needless to say ill prob make myself feel sick... great !!! i hate it, so much at my age... boohoo.... that helped alot Tami..... xxxx do you suffer from ibs... ??? xxx

05-08-10, 19:52
Hi! What you are describing it typical for health anxiety hun! Its what they call a self fulfilling prophecy. You concentrate so much on the sick feeling that you will feel sick. Just try this: sit down, dont distract your self with other things and concentrate on your right leg! Feel the difference between the right and the left leg, how the right leg feels slightly different? A bit numb, maybe even a little tingly? You probably find that, as more you concentrate on those feelings, the more you will feel them. These sensations werent there before but because you are looking for them, your anxiety will mirror it and make you feel it. Hope that makes sense. The mind is a powerful thing. But you know that already. I reckon you should tell yourself: Ok, I am going out for the hen night and yes, maybe I start feeling sick while I am out but maybe, I won't! So instead of being miserable from the start, I will enjoy the night until I do feel bad and not waste my time beforehand waiting for it to happen. If I am supposed to feel sick, I cant change it now so I might as well enjoy it while I can! Try that and see how you go.

To the question about IBS: I used to, a lot! But it has calmed down a lot in the last couple of years, having more issues now with muscle tension and aches and pains in general. But I do hope that my experience might help you a little bit. Let me know how you get on, ok?

Lots of love and hugs

Tami xxx

05-08-10, 21:52
hey Carly I know what you're going through, I suffer from ibs and feel sick A LOT, same as you I worry about being sick when I'm out. I'm 23 and I really struggle to have a normal life because when I went to college, anxiety=ibs=moreanxiety=ibs=had to quit same sort of thing with jobs I would be ill before going to work every night because I was anxious about it and my social life is pretty much non existant lol
so I understand how terrible it is and thinking 'how can ibs make me feel this bad everyday??' but it's definitley a combo of the two anxiety and ibs.
In terms of what you can do it really depends on your symptoms but there are some good meds out there. I take buscopan for the bowel spasms.
Also if you can get away with the taste- chamomile tea would be excellent because it's anti anxiety and a natural painkiller
Peppermint tea is a great msucle relaxant and pain killer also good for nausea same with ginger tea
If you get bloated you should try fennel tea
hope this helps a little and that you get better soon