View Full Version : I'm new and scared.

04-08-10, 16:21
Hi, I'm so pleased I have found this site. I am a cancer phobic and really scared at the moment about Stomach cancer. I have acid stomach and nausea and not sure if it is anxiety or stomach cancer. I feel I want an endoscopy but am petrifield of having one. Am I nuts or what?? can anyone give me some advice. please.

04-08-10, 16:24
Hi Lynne5353

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
04-08-10, 19:31
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

04-08-10, 20:31
evening lynne - im a newbie so welcome you will find so much help here xxxx and make some wonderful friendships xxxx
have you spoken to your doctor re: your fears.....maybe they can talk you through your anxieties.
if you did need one you would be sedated and you wouldnt feel a thing i promise this is from experience and relations having it done also.....let me know how you get on xxxx kindest wishes, tracey xxxx

04-08-10, 21:19
Hello Lynne,

I know how you feel when you think you have something serious wrong, go see your dr and ask for tests, my mum had an endoscopy and she said it was ok, she said don't be put to sleep to have it done as you feel worse after that. Be brave hun x

06-08-10, 09:24
It is great to have some new friends who understand. Can someone answer this question? I had a full blood count/upper abdomen and back xray last week if I had cancer in my stomach would something have been noticed? Sorry very anxious.