View Full Version : Hair Dye Reaction

04-08-10, 16:59
Hi guys,

I'm really panicking at the moment & don't know where else to turn. :(
Before my health anxiety started I used to dye my hair no problem, but ever since it got it's claws into me I just worry too much.
I've been dying my hair since 2004 & never had any kind of reaction before. It's something that's always made me feel better. Before the anxiety of course...

Anyway, I'd left it ages & it really looked a mess so I just bit the bullet in a moment of madness & dyed it. I know I should have done the patch test, I know I'm stupid for not doing that but I just had a moment of bravery & didn't want to waste it. :( They're rare with me lately...

Anyway I was fine when it was on, not even any itching which I sometimes do get abit of. & It's turned out fine but now I'm worried about the delayed reaction cos I know you can get one upto 48 hours after using it. :(

I'm so scared now, I'm shaking, my mouth is sooo dry. I keep waiting for any little itch in my head & I keep imagining that my head is burning :'( I keep imagining my throat swelling up & not being to breathe, it's horrible.

What should I do? I wish I'd never done it... :(

04-08-10, 17:06
It is highly unlikely that you would get a reaction if you have never had one before so try to calm down and not worry about it.

04-08-10, 17:18
i agree with the above poster. i have been dying my hair now since i was 14 years old. im now 26, i have never had a reaction before in my life and i dye my hair about 5 times a year, used to be about twn times a year. anyway since my anxiety started i have only dyed my hair once (my anxiety started ten months ago) i was terrified, i have no idea why. i wasnt so much worried of a reaction i was more worried of getting it in my eyes and going blind! but i put the fear down to anxiety. and dyed it anyway. i was too panicking afterwards although during there was no pain/burning, but afterwards i thought i could feel it hurting. it was just my anxiety. this may sound odd but what i did was i had a cold bath. i didnt wash my hair again, but just laying in a cold bacth cooled me down and freshened me up. i felt great afterwards, the burning feeling i thought i could feel had gone and i could relax.

you wont have a reaction now, not without any kind of stinging at all during dying and if your used to dye like you say there is very little chance.

x ps hope your hair looks good. x

04-08-10, 17:28
I know we tend to get urges to do things and cut corners and then worry afterwards all about the what ifs, but its mostly just needless worry and everything is ok.

04-08-10, 18:01
So glad you have posted this topic on here as I now know I am not mad.

I started dyeing my hair in 1975 when I was 13 as just had to be blonde.
The only thing I like about myself is my hair.

About a year ago I started to worry about dyeing my hair.
Seemed to get a bit of a headache and sore throat after doing it.
The last time I dyed my hair about 8 months ago really panicked thought I was going to die.
Got headache and my body itched from head to toe for the next 24 hours.
I was so sacred have not dared to dye my hair since.
The problem is I do not know if it was anxiety or a reaction that made me feel ill.
I am unsure if anxiety would cause itching from head to toe.

Of course I have made myself worse by googling and reading horror story's .

I have a problem now I have 8 months of dark hair regrowth and as I am now 48 feel so unattractive
I have brought a number of wigs but they are so uncomfortable to wear and as I am very small and thin they make my face look even thinner.
I just do not know what to do any more and cry so much over what I look like and think I will never meet a partner with hair like this.
I have searched the web and can not find any product that is risk free.
God knows what I will do when I start to go Gray.

Has anyone else had this problem and have the any answers .

04-08-10, 18:15
Aw thanks so much guys, you've really put my mind at ease abit. I'm still gonna be worrying but just trying not to. I'm sure the burning is just me imagining it >.<

I'm sorry loveletter. I don't know of any hair dye without PPD [the stuff that people react to] you'd think by now we'd be able to make a safe hair dye, wouldn't you?
I'd just go for it hun...you more than likely won't get a reaction & you'll feel much better.

But it's exactly how I've been feeling so I should take my own advice lol

04-08-10, 18:30
if you were going to have a life threatening reaction it would of happened by now. I didnt dye my hair for ages and the first few times i did even after patch tests i convinced myself my throat was swelling and couldnt swallow. try sipping water or sucking a sweet i find that helps with that symptom. I still dont like dyeing my hair but i do it now without the real panic just minor now. Youll be fine. Try doing something to keep your mind occupied for now

04-08-10, 20:07
My throat has gone so sore now, I'm really scared & my head feels tight. :(

Things have been going too well lately, I knew something would spoil it. I've been having really good luck & I even got my cat back...[if you remember my post from a while ago saying she'd gone missing] & now I'm probably gonna die of a reaction :'(

04-08-10, 20:47
I had my hair dresser out on monday to get my hair done and Im a nervous wreck till shes gone! I hate my colour and Ive just got another semi permenant colour to do tomorrow, Its one I have used before but will still get all kinds of bad feelings. Itchy scalp, tight throat, dry mouth...we can imagine ourselves into anything!
I think your colour would have reacted by now. Yours is all done, Ive got mine to do tomorrow!
Take care, :yesyes:

04-08-10, 21:07
I used to dye my hair and always had a sore throat but it was from the fumes, not the dye.

Even though it can take up to 48 hours for side effects - most times symptoms show up in a few hours and just worsen as the 48 hours go on. Not suddenly after 48 hours. Perhaps the throat is from the smell and will wear off. Suck a sweet.

Loveletter as long as you do the patch test I am sure it would be okay.

I am 60 and only just starting to get grey hairs here and there. I am not going to bother to dye it...(she says now but lets see)

05-08-10, 00:32
Is there any tests a hospital could do to see if I really am allergic to pdd or bleach because then I would no for sure.

I thought I would be safe with just putting highlights in hair with bleach but have read a girl had a reaction doing that.

Where would be the best place to go to get information that is true and not just stuff you read on the internet

05-08-10, 16:06
loveletter, you should go to your doctors & ask for an allergy test for PPD. Just say you like to dye your hair & you just wanna make sure you're not allergic. I'm thinking of doing that now so that I don't panic everytime I have to dye my hair. lol. >.<

Or you could go to your hairdresser & tell them your fears & they'll do a small patch test on you to make sure before they colour you. & If you have highlights & they're careful not to touch your skin, it's very rare anything would happen.

Also, it may be wrong but I've heard Clairol's Nice & Easy colours are weaker in PPD so are safer to use. So I always use that brand. & The lighter colours...i.e blonde are safer because the darker colours have higher concentrations of PPD & more toxic chemicals. So I'm thankful that I dye my hair blonde anyway...I would never dye it dark now, I'd be even more afraid. lol.

Well, it's been just over 24hrs now since I dyed my hair. I keep thinking my scalp is burning & I'm waiting for every itch in my head but I guess there's only another 24hrs to go & I can relax abit. :S

05-08-10, 21:53
Ditto about the patch test - if they have come out fine, then it's really, really unlikely that you would get any sort of severe allergic reaction.

Also, the severe reactions tend to happen very quickly - often within minutes of putting the dye on, as it's a violent response to the substance that you're allergic to - a good comparison are people who are allergic to bee/wasp stings - they don't collapse days later, it's usually within a very short time of being stung.

Do the patch test every time in future and don't worry about it!!! :)

22-03-11, 13:37
Hi guys,
The time has come round again where I need my hair dying but this time I'm having it done at the hairdressers in about a week's time [the 30th] but they're doing a patch test the day before. Which has put my mind at ease abit but stupid me is now worrying that I'll have some kind of bad reaction to the skin test... >.<
So it seems nothing can calm my fears...
Can you have a severe reaction to a skin test? But I suppose that's the whole reason why they're doing it...

Sammy J
22-03-11, 18:12

I have a severe allergy to hair dye (PPD) which I developed after having a henna tattoo done many years ago, prior to this I dyed my hair regularly and had no problems.

I am only able to have my hair lightened with peroxide now which my hair dresser puts in with foils..any other colour, even blonde, makes me react and I've even ended up in hospital in the past.

I can tell you that when I used to do skin tests on colours (before I trusted a hairdresser) I would put a 5p size blob on colour on my arm and usually 2-3hrs later my arm would be swollen and burnt.

Please don't worry, as long as people carry out patch sensitivity tests you'll be fine.

Sam :)