View Full Version : dizzy

04-08-10, 17:20
why do i feel dizzy when im sat down doing nothing???

04-08-10, 17:25
Hi, I get this too and have done for a very long time, I also get it when I am standing as well. I find that if I do something physical to take my mind off it or something mental which requires a lot of concentration then I forget about it. Its awful though I know that.

04-08-10, 17:48
do you find the more relaxed you are, the more anxious you get???

04-08-10, 19:30
Hi, It comes and goes with me, I can be relaxed and fine and I can also be relaxed and in a second feel anxious and panicky for no reason whatsoever.

04-08-10, 19:42
I can take my mind off it but then when I'm not doing something it's still there, it's accompanying an ache in my neck and shoulders too which is poo.
I don't really get it as much sitting but I do get it standing and walking, it's more of an off balance feeling for me, it's like my legs aren't moving how I want and my head is bobbing, I feel like I'm walking from side to side even though most of the time I'm walking fine.

04-08-10, 19:51
My dizzy spells seem to be getting worse at will come on whenever. Sometimes they are so bad I feel like I am going to fall over or have a black out . They are really scaring me to be honest, but I guess it's anxiety .

04-08-10, 20:07
Hi, Yes, it does that, its especially bad for me in queues of people and if I get worried before doing like a simple task like checkouts and post office queue.

04-08-10, 20:31
Is it actual room spinning or is it feeling dizzy like off balance?
Do you have it 24/7?
I do.
Are there like headaches or aches or anything accompanying it? x

04-08-10, 21:19
I can take my mind off it but then when I'm not doing something it's still there, it's accompanying an ache in my neck and shoulders too which is poo.
I don't really get it as much sitting but I do get it standing and walking, it's more of an off balance feeling for me, it's like my legs aren't moving how I want and my head is bobbing, I feel like I'm walking from side to side even though most of the time I'm walking fine.

Similar for me.. I have bad tension in my neck and shoulders. I find if I overstretch it can bring on a fleeting lightheaded feeling, which I hate. I saw a physio and have a shoulder impingement and very tight neck muscles. She said the dizzies could be coming from that.