View Full Version : Our Specials this week are: Parkinsons and MS!

04-08-10, 18:37
Hi! I honestly feel like a complete idiot, knowing that this is so far fetched and most probably a result of my ongoing health anxiety but since last week i have had muscle twitches all over and as more I concentrate as more I feel that my left side (arm and leg) start to feel very weird, a bit weak and numb. I also find that I seem to have a tremor in my left hand. I keep telling myself "its anxiety, its anxiety, its anxiety" and than that little devil on my shoulder says: But what if you have Parkinsons or MS?" ......

Anybody similar problems? Could do with a bit of reassurance here :-(



04-08-10, 19:43
Yep, I have the same thing right now. Been getting weird muscle twitches (spasms) in various places for about a week and worrying about it. It's like when your eyelid twitches (mine's done that many times in the past!) but in my left elbow and right calf! The twitch in my elbow is quite noticeable. I have to say the eyelid thing is far more annoying though! I'm considering speaking to the doctor to put my mind at rest. I wonder if it's a nutritional thing though?

04-08-10, 19:50
hi tami
dont feel like an idiot, i have had really bad heath anxiety about my heart but this past week ive been having really bad twitches in my arm, legs and back and now have started thinking the same as you it horrible, i know it just the anxiety trying to take over so i just keep telling my self that they are sensation and nothing more and that the cant harm me and just try to forget about it easier said than done when you can feel them i find the more i think about them the worse they are. im trying to learn myself to stop thinking "what if " because i think if we can stop thinking that then these sensation wouldn't be there at all. just want you to know your not alone im going through the same just try and relax. if i can be any more help mail me, dont worry tho your fine it is just anxiety :hugs:
zoe x

04-08-10, 20:02
Thank you for your replies, its good to know I am not alone x

Tami xx

04-08-10, 20:21
I have twitches all over my arms and legs as well, and I have been worrying about weakness as well. When I focus on it, I honestly feel I can't clench my fists or lift a cup, but when I am not thinking about it I do all the things I normally do without a thought so I know it is my anxiety. The twitches are annoying and worrying. Do they mostly happen at night when you are resting? I only really notice mine then.

05-08-10, 08:52
i have mine through out the day but at night when resting they seem to be worse which is really annoying when your try to relax and go to sleep, ive tryed everything from foot spas to massage, hot baths, to try and relax my muscles but still they pester me it hard work just got to tr and think positive x