View Full Version : Feeling detached?

04-08-10, 19:04
Does anyone else get this? I feel disconnected to family members etc and it shocks me because im in my own little world constantly I think what the hell?:scared15:

04-08-10, 22:44
Yes I have been feeling disconnected for a few weeks. Don't feel part of anything and don't really want to talk to anyone. With me, I believe it's because I stopped all meds a couple of months ago so I am hoping it will pass. All the best. Baggs.

05-08-10, 20:59
hi guys i to feel like this in fact for yrs now i feel like im not with it not alive my concentration on things or people is very bad and yes it is frightening i have to ask myself if i got some kind of mental disorder other than anxiety

05-08-10, 21:36
Its a common side effect of not only anxiety but a lot of antidepressants too and apparently it does pass. I have had phases of it being really strong like I'm watching everyone or everything on tv instead of right in front of me. I often get that jolt of 'omg I'm really here' and feel like I am constantly in a bubble, it is very weird. I think what is even weirder for me though is suddenly feeling 100% here / in the moment, that takes some getting used to.

06-08-10, 08:25
The past few weeks i have had moments where i have felt like this, and to be honest, it has freaked me out. Things just haven't felt real, i haven't felt real. I don't like the sensation.
Like the post above says, i've had times where i have looked at something and thought "omg i am really here" ..

06-08-10, 09:35
I feel this way too..wake up feeling it, can last for weeks it's depersonalisation here's a useful link:


also at the bottom similar threads but it's worth having a look at.