View Full Version : Bad day re: heart and dizzyness

04-08-10, 19:59
I have had a really bad day today , after a few months of feeling quite good . I have been experiencing horrible dizzy spells for weeks to the point where I sometimes think I will pass out. Today I was in the hair dressers when I had a whopping panic attack !. It was horrible and I just had to sit there while I had my hair cut thinking any minute I would lose the plot.
The worst thought and feelings I had was my heart and that I was going to have a heart attack, I had palpitations, jaw ache, tingling in my arms and hands.
I still feel very dizzy and jittery and am worried, I feel like my chest aches and I have a lump in my throat.
I have suffered with panic/anxiety for 10 years on and off and am currently taking sertraline .
Sorry for going on , I just needed to talk x

04-08-10, 20:32
:hugs:hugs:hugs:That must have been so scary. I'm sorry you've had such an awful day. I have anxiety about my heart too and everything makes me think I'm habout to have a heart attack. It's so draining and emotionally wearing :mad: Just to let you know you're not alone. You did so well sitting there while it happened. Well done. xxxx

04-08-10, 20:40
Wow, you stayed in the hairdressers? Well done :)
I would have ripped the cover off from around me and just ran for the hills lmao.

04-08-10, 21:10
How horrid for you. I hate it when I feel trapped like that. I agree, well done for sticking it out.

Sounds like the other symptoms are typical anx ones. No wonder you still feel jittery. It will pass...put on some relaxing music and do some deep breathing

margaret jones
04-08-10, 21:16
deb well done for staying in the situation with a bad panic attack and look you are ok
:) i have jist mastered the hairdressers after 18 mnths but only for a wet cut no colour or shampoo yet but i hope to get therew 1 day .

Once Again Deb well done hope you feel better soon Maggie

05-08-10, 00:41
Well done on staying in the hairdressers!!!

I find it tough going to the hairdressers, I get my hair highlighted so I'm usually in there about 2 1/2 hours which is tough when your just sat there making small talk when really your thinking 'My heart is beating funny, omg I'm gonna die in the hairdressers...' so I know how scary it can be esp when you have a major panic attack. Well done you!!!

05-08-10, 01:11
I have not been to the hairdresser's yet since my panic disorder. My hairdresser has come to my house a couple of times - she knows what it's like because she had panic attacks. But, I really need to get myself to go to the beauty shop.

05-08-10, 08:36
well done i really need to get my hair done but my anxiety and panic attacks wont let me. it must have been terrifying for you just sitting there waiting i would have ran away hope our ok
zoe x