View Full Version : increase in meds - citalopram

04-08-10, 20:45
Hi there all

I have been on 20mg citalopram for the last 6 weeks following my latest brush with HA/depression. After about 4 weeks i started to feel a little better but the last week or so i felt like i wasnt getting anywhere. When i saw my doc today she upped to 40mg - the thing is i am worried about upping meds - i dont know whether to increase dose - 40 seems like a lot??? but i dont really know if it is. i am analysing again - going on internet reading up on drugs and it scares me!

I am trying to be calm and optimistic! i am also gonna get counselling - i have avoided this for years ( i have had probs since 2007)cos it scares me but i feel enough ive got to do something! i dont think meds alone will sort me out? or will they?

The thing is when i have been on meds in the past and started to feel better i have decided to stop them myself thinking that i dont need them anymore then it all starts again until i get so scared i go to doc and do it all over again - im useless!

Sorry for rambling:blush:

05-08-10, 10:21
Montana, I personally do not agree with Citalopram, only as a last result. I believe it is all too easy for a dr to hand out these medications and not actually look at the root of the problem. I was put on them in March as I was convinced I had the big C, but I had reason to believe this as I dropped 3kgs in 4 days and was passing blood through urine and stools and had a constantly full bladder that I was unable to relieve. I also had the most very painful stomach pains and swelling. Instead of investigating the symptons I had thoroughly, I was put on cits and sleeping pills and referred to a councillor. I paid for my tests and was told by the professor that had I had the urine and stools sent to a lab at the begining of this to be tested and had they conducted an ultrasound on my bladder I would not have had the anxiety. He also said that I should not be on the Cits. the councillor kicked me out after one session saying that there was nothing wrong with me mentally and that my fears and concerns were warranted and should be answered by a dr not her. I went back to my GP who refused to take me off them saying its a 6 month course. So I have taken myself off them, only half a pill, then half every other day and apart from feeling tired I am fine. Being on the cits has caused my weight to balloon by 11kgs.

I know alot of people swear by these, but I think the majority of people do not really need them. Only you know this for yourself, but good luck anyway and I wish you well.