View Full Version : DVT?????

04-08-10, 21:07
I have had a pain in my leg all evening running from my hip to my anckle, it aches mostly round my knee area (round the back). I also had this last friday, but nothing until today!!!!
is this normal with HA or could it be a DVT?????

margaret jones
04-08-10, 21:19
Hi Kay why do you think it is a DVT ?? if your last pain was over 4 days ago i would not think it was a DVT but if you are really concerned why not ask your G P

Then you can stop worrying
Take Care Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-08-10, 22:07
thanx for the reply maggie, i am also wondering if this could be caused by surgery i had on my knee 18 months ago or wether it could be caused by a change of foot wear????, or is this an axiety symptom????
just need reassurance!!!!!

05-08-10, 00:48
Surgery can cause DVT but not when you've had it 18 months ago! Relax. If your leg becomes swollen or blue/Purple go and see your GP. It's probably just muscular. I've been down the 'is it a DVT' route far too many times and wasted time and money getting it checked out for it to be nothing. DVT pain would be constant and it would get worse, not diasppear for 4 days. Try and relax.