View Full Version : Scared to drink alcohol

04-08-10, 22:17
I have had an eating disorder for 9 years, where i;ve only had my safe food (bread). I've now started to try new foods and in the long run i aim to build up to new meals.
My fear stems from my fear of being sik, which is also why i've never touched alcohol.
I have tried sips but then i've had a panic attack after incase i get drunk, or sik or feel dizzy.
The think is I really want to drink, not to get drunk but just have 1 glass of wine, and relax and just feel "normal".

I was just wondering if this was a common fear and if anyone had any reassurance or advice?

04-08-10, 22:33
Hi Miss Moose, I can totally relate to this, I don't drink at all (I shouldn't on my medication anyway) but I have occasionally taken a drink in the past and felt totally anxious when I have felt tipsy and panicked that I can't get rid of the feeling or can't undo it. I think the best way to try some alcohol is to maybe have just a quarter of a glass of wine with a meal somewhere that you feel safe like at home with family and then you can try thinking 'ok I feel a bit different but it's a good feeling' and try drinking a bit more the next time. Good luck x

04-08-10, 22:35
Thank your for your reply. I know this is going to sound like a really stupid question but, What does it actually feel like when your tipsy?

04-08-10, 22:44
Thats not a stupid question, I don't know if its the same for everyone but I suppose I feel like when I turn my head my eyes take a little while to follow (which sounds so weird I know but that's how I felt last time I had a drink). Things seem funnier and you just feel a bit like the lines of reality are a little bit softer. I suppose it must get to be a nice feeling or people wouldn't like drinking so much! for me it's just a thing about always wanting to be in control, but maybe it's good to let go sometimes. Are you on any meds that alcohol might interfere with?

04-08-10, 22:49
Thank you, that feeling would prob make me panic too.
I'm only taking tyhroxine tablets for an under active thyroid, i'm not sure if they react badly with alcohol or not though, i havent read that part of the leaflet.

04-08-10, 22:54
No probs, maybe just have a check of the leaflet or with your gp. What I find interesting is that so many Brits love getting absolutely off their faces drunk to the point of falling over and having no recollection of how they got home when they wake up the next day. I never could understand why anyone would find that appealing, not to mention the hangover side of things! Everything in moderation I suppose :)

05-08-10, 16:06
Hi miss moose. I also had only few sips for the past 7 years. Since my son was born. First itwas because of pregnancy andbreastfeeding and after GAD. I am scared it will give me huge anxiety. Which it probably will. so I don't bother trying. But so many people live without alcohol, so I think will be fine. Just think to yourself that you are a recovered alcoholic.... (no offence) that should give you extra self esteem...:0)

05-08-10, 18:50
The funny thing is, I'm sure whenever I tell people I don't drink (and they don't know its cos of my meds) they probably assume Im a raging alcoholic lol.