View Full Version : help

05-08-10, 08:30
I just cant control my HA. feeling so stressed and now getting palpitations.
Have had joint pain for about six months , gp thinks it might be fibromyalgia, going to see another rheumatologist in oct, as first one dismissed my pain. The pain at the moment is not to bad.
Feeling soo tired, my iron is very low may need to have an iron infusion.
I just know that my health is going to get worse , as i just keep getting different things.
Soo stressed all the time.
feel that im going to die soon...

05-08-10, 08:46
dont feel like that the more u keep thinking that way the worse you will feel. why dont you try putting some relaxing music on and have a lye down i know its hard but if u try it a few time u might find it helps alot to de-stress you. im sorry to hear you may need an iron infusion, i dont know much about them but ive heard the are not that bad and nothing to go worrying about. just try to keep your head up :hugs:
zoe x

05-08-10, 10:42

Feeling like your going to die soon is no the same thing actually going to die soon. Please try to seperate your feelings and emotions from present fact.

There is not one illness that has a symptom of feeling like you are going to die soon....oh except from anxiety!!

Hang in there sweetie

