View Full Version : really bad day:pains in my chest and back

05-08-10, 09:26
hi i have been suffering from HA and panic disorder for about 5 months. i have been having really bad chest and upper back pain i have had loads of test done ecgs, xray, bloods they all come back normal but still i get these pain ive had them for nearly 2 weeks i went to docs last week and he told me theres nothing wrong with my heart and my lungs are clear but if they get worse go to hospital, i know hes just saying this to shut me up because hes fed up of me complaining all the time. im on trazodone hydrochloride and diazepam but they dont seem to help. i notice the pain more when i move especially first thing in the morning when i get up which then put me it a state of panic and then a full blown panic attack this is what happened this morning ive been up for 5 hours and still feel really crap i just dont know what to do, the pain never seem to go away any one else have the same problem or is it just me :weep:

margaret jones
05-08-10, 09:55
Hi Zoe
Sorry that you are feeling so poorly and anxious about the chest/back pains are you taking any pain relief tablets ?? like paracetomol ??
Muscle pain in the chest is very common with people that suffer with anxiety because of all the tension in our bodies .
I suffer from all sorts of chest pains and to be honest i try and ignore them ( not easy ) trying to relax by doing some slow breathing will help with tense muscules .

Zoe hope you feel better soon Maggie x

05-08-10, 14:05
thank both for your replys nice to know im not on my own :)
i do take pain relief but dont really like to because of the medication im on. im not working at the moment due to my anxiety so i really try not to sit down to much because i think to much :shrug: which doesn't help matter, but i have got bad posture i will try what u suggest see if that works thank you very much for your support
zoe x