View Full Version : feel so alone

05-08-10, 09:42
I ve had general anxiety now for 3 weeks after panic atttacks at work.
ive been signed off work this week and next, but im winding myself up about going back to work already and feel really low when waking and during the day.
I seem to be fine when my partner gets home i dont know if im putting on a front or he lifts me up, i think its abit of both really.

Im crying as im writing this, i dont know what to do with myself, go out ,stay in.
ive been on here everyday this week to try and find help and how to stop this ive been reading books but reallly dont know if im doing the right thing.

ive been taking my meds for nearly 2 weeks now but they havent stopped these thoughts of panic which i thought they would.

I feel like im heading for a break down right now and i really have no corse to feel like this. im in a happy relationship and we got engaged last month.
not knowing why this is happening since to make it harder to deal with.

05-08-10, 09:48
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sharon....i feel your pain....you are not alone my love....you are not.
i have to go into work today....and i feel as though i am going to die....but we wont....we will survive xxxx
my love.......we will be ok that is what i keep on telling myself....the meds will kick in...i have been on mine for a month and they havent as yet....but i am assured that they will....what meds are you taking?
sharon.......YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are all in this together supporting each other every step of the way xxxxxx im sending you a hug and much love, tracey xxxx:hugs:

05-08-10, 10:02
Thank you Tracey,
Good luck with work today as i said before head high big smile, you'll be fine. xx

05-08-10, 10:16
oh sharon...thank you my darling....lets both have a good day...yes....you doing ok now???? xxxxx

05-08-10, 10:20
ive taken a diazapam. dont like taking them but calmed me down abit.
im going to go for a walk, really need to try and get out of the house otherwise i'll just stay in again and then it makes it harder to go out.

05-08-10, 11:03
ive taken a diazapam. dont like taking them but calmed me down abit.
im going to go for a walk, really need to try and get out of the house otherwise i'll just stay in again and then it makes it harder to go out.

I hope you have a lovely walk sweetie...can I come with you, as I'm too frightened to go alone? :ohmy:

Let me know how you're feeling later...

Sue x :bighug1:

05-08-10, 14:59
Thank you sue.
I was ok with my walk but felt so down on myself, crap going round in my head about having to get myself sorted out by next week so i can go back to work because i dont want to loss my job or look silly at work, its like ive set myself a massive dead line to keep.and i cannot relax. my partner called and i started crying to him, i feel so bad because i hate to think he will be worried alday now.
but he said it will take time and not to worry about work because at the end of the day its just a job and not my life, which is soooo true.
But i still feel like its a dead line to meet.
Do you know what i mean? or am i just going off on one.

Im so sorry about all this i know everyone on here has their own problems to deal with.
And if you lived near me of course you could come for a walk with me. xx
Tracey i really hope your day has be ok at work. xx

05-08-10, 15:16
Wow Sharon - sounds like you've got a really amazing supportive boyfriend. Mine is the complete opposite to him and he doesn't understand at all.

And calm - reading your response to Sharon nearly had me in tears as I'm having a bad day today.

I'm into my 4 week on cit and the last 2 weeks have been good, but the lack of support from my boyfriend is really getting me down today

05-08-10, 16:03
Thank you for replying Cherbear.xxxx
I think when people lack support its because they dont understand whats happening,and they cannot see it. So much easier if you had a broken arm people can see your pain then.
Maybe you should ask your partner to look at this site.
Ive just bought a cd book and ive asked my partner to listen to it, he asked why??
i said so you can understand better what im going though. wish everyone was made to listen to it. lol
Good news that your meds are working, im just hoping my work soon.
I wish you all the best any time just message im always on here. xxx