View Full Version : The healing process

05-08-10, 10:06
My therapy is over, now. I was quite shocked by the amount of progress we were able to make in such a short time. The only problem now is I'm processing everything, which is going to take time, and it is so hard.

It's weird. I'll be absolutely fine for several days, then suddenly have a day where I can't stop bursting into tears and I don't even know why; I won't have been thinking about the bad stuff, or worrying about anything, and suddenly I'll just breakdown.

Some days I can't stop thinking about stuff and rather than feeling done I feel more confused than ever. I'm not even sure who I am any more. I know this is all normal and I'll keep swinging back and forth through the stages of the healing process but it is so hard and so confusing. Can anyone here offer any advice?