View Full Version : So you know who I am!

05-08-10, 10:54

I am in my forties and retired from work about ten years ago due to Major Depressive Disorder with anxiety and OCD thrown in for good measure!

The cause - a sh*tty childhood in short ,as per all too many folks I believe.

Parents seperated after only 6 weeks of marriage, I was brought up by my mother and grandmother with little contact with father. Then my mother died of cancer when I was 7 and I had to go away and live with severely authoritarian and abusive father and narcisstic, twisted grandmother. I was made to feel less than the lowest piece of dust and inherently "bad". In fear of my life sometimes, and always felt I was disgusting and that the whole situation was my fault.

Then add in major bullying at secondary school as I was fat, nervous and academic.

Several years of hell and I left home at the first chance I got.

Became a nurse for people with learning disabilities, which was a job I loved. Progressed well within my career for many years, lots of promotions, until I unfortunately crossed swords with a serial bully at a particular workplace. Suffice to say this mans actions brought back all the horrible experiences I had had as a child and my health broke down under the strain.

10 years on I have never recovered and take a cupboard full of pills, have had therapy till the cows come home and here I still am living in a prsion of my own making.

I am lucky to have a wonderful OH, but I know my illness has a very big effect on him as it limits so many things I can/can't do and I am often horrible with the stress from all the anxiety.

Glad to have come across this site, will be having a good read then might ask some questions too :)

05-08-10, 10:55
Hi flump

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-08-10, 11:09
Hi flump :welcome:

I'm a newbie too...you'll get lots of advice, and will make some good friends...and most importantly you'll KNOW that you're not alone! :)

Take care sweetie,

Sue x

05-08-10, 11:45
Hi Flump,

Welcome to NMP!! What a stressful life you have had hun....sad to read and such a shame.

You have found the right place here...you will have support and help from others feeling the same and who have gone through similiar experiences.

Take care.

jaded jean
05-08-10, 15:08
Hi FLUMP :welcome: TO NMP. we are here for you!! we wiil give advice thru experience and support you as much as we can. try the chat room there is always a good crowd in there ready to help you.
take care.


05-08-10, 15:35
hi flump welcome:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
05-08-10, 21:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige