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05-08-10, 12:20
on my symptoms is thumpin in my head not a pain just thumping
and hearing my heart in my ears but like feeling it in my head
tingling sensations all over arms or face
i suffered from bells palsy few years ago and stress related can get the face tingling

head feels tight like it guna pop if carry on filling
cant really explain

but is other things anxiety ?


05-08-10, 17:25
Hi, just a thought but if you have any underlying problems that you haven't dealt with that might be the cause- or it could help to identify them and confront your demons so to speak.

I read this article the other day about debt and how it can actually affect your health.


05-08-10, 21:55
Hi, I experience similar sensations to what your describing sometimes, related to my blood pressure going up. I actually have low blood pressure, so when something like stress raises my pressure I really notice. It sounds very similar.