View Full Version : Consistent Tension Headache - 2 weeks

05-08-10, 12:53
Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is ok.. I putting this post up as I have been under constant worry that this it is something more severe... I'm 22, dont smoke .. drink once a month maybe less.

My problem is a headache, this headache has lasted for 2 weeks .. it has been a consistent achy pain which radiates throughout the whole head. i addition to this I have had a stiff neck and at some points a sore throat although because of my anxiousness I have been consistently swallowing..

My vision is not distorted although I experienced some ear popping about a week ago although that has cleared up.

As a result of the worry I have found myself going to the doctors more in two weeks than all the times added up prior lol ..
the doctors tells me its stress and anxiety related.. which I want to believe , I had an examination from my GP .. my eyes , my ears, orientation.. which he said were all fine.. so i left with him saying take a steady course of paracetomol. They didnt work so I went back .. i said that I had further aches and pains all round my body.. chest .. arms and legs.. so I asked for a blood test which was done and came back normal.. now the headache is still here and my early wake ups arent helping.. I went back again .. to which he gave me a weekly course of diazapam which I have been taking for 3 days.. the headache is still here... maybe I just cant relax because of the worry?

Sorry for the rambling but any advice or own experiences are really welcome


Adam :)

05-08-10, 13:00
I'm really worried too but I haven't been to the doctor yet, have to sign up first and can't get there today.
My headache has been constant for about a month, it's faded some days and then got worse others, it's accompanying me being off balance which I think is worse than the headache, I've had really bad neck ache and backache which I don't know if I can relate to tension because I just wouldn't know. My ears are ringing slightly and I have bad smells and tastes occasionally.
Sometimes an ear blocks, sometimes both block which is annoying because I end up walking around talking really loud and weird.
I've had loads of other symptoms but I think I'm just rambling on now.
I need to have blood tests like you and have myself checked over, my calf muscles have been twitching like mad for the past 5 days which is worrying also.
I'd say if it doesn't get better in a week or so you should go back to your doctor, explain, tell him you're really worried and would like further tests to rule out anything else it could be like an ear infection or something to do with your sinus's (I wish I could take my own advice I'm just scared to death of what's going to be found).

05-08-10, 13:06
yeh it sounds alot like what I've experienced.. my problem is I had a a few hours on Dr Google lol and that was a really really bad idea.

have you tryed to get some excerise in ?

I know it is prob worrying with the dizziness... but some fresh air will do a lot of good.. your muscles are prob twitching like crazy because of the forced lay in's .. go out and a take a walk and Im sure they will fade out..

05-08-10, 13:12
Oooh yeah I've been looking at Dr Google too, that's probably why I'm so worked up about it, if I hadn't looked there I'd still be thinking the same things because I always think the worst but me being stupid thought "Just search and you might find it comes up with something really minor which'll just stop you worrying"... yeahh right, first thing that comes up, the big T.
I try and go for a walk for about 30 mins to an hour every day just to get myself out of the house and to prove to myself that I'm not completely incapable of doing everything ha.
I'ma just ask my doctor to try and test me for everything he can think I'd need, he'll probably have his own ideas about what to do with me but if I don't find out about everything I'll just be left worrying it's the one thing he hasn't checked.

05-08-10, 13:20
I felt the same everytime I went to the doctors.. thinking they missed or didnt test me for something.. at the end of the day all you can trust them... they are highly professional people and trust me .. they would know if you had something as serious as what you think..

Write your symptoms down that you have and have experienced and take that with you.. that will re-assure you ... that you havent forgotton anything.. from your symptoms I'm pretty sure you will prob have the same sort of tests that I have had.. Youve had your headaches for twice the duration as what I have had..your pain isnt severe and Im pretty sure your neck tension are catalyst for you worries ..

are you still going to work and trying to do normal everyday tasks?

05-08-10, 13:36
Well I don't have a job at the moment, I kept putting off going back to work because of the anxiety but I thought I'd just go one day until these headaches and dizziness/sickly feelings came along and there's no point in even thinking about it atm.

There aren't a lot of everyday tasks that I can do, just the norm, everything else is already done, I go for my walk and I come on here and I watch television and I make my meals but that's all I'm doing until I've seen the doctor, I'm just not feeling mentally or physically up to doing much atm. :/

05-08-10, 13:39
thats understandable.. when do you think you will be able to see a doctors? why dont you go a walk in center ? I just think you have tormented your mind for so long that its only going to get worse until the doc gives you the reassurance you need..

05-08-10, 13:48
My friend, who used to show off about how he never suffered headaches, finally got one and it lasted for about two years! He had investigations but nothing was ever found to account for it. The longest I had a headache was for a week and I thought it was down to stress and I was really angry with myself for wrecking a holiday by "wishing" a headache on myself. Discovered about a year later that it was because I'd had my back-up glasses on that holiday and when I used them again I realised that they applied pressure to my head which brought the whole thing on :lac:

Worth going back to your doctor if the pills don't help, just for the fact that you're in pain, never mind what the underlying cause is

05-08-10, 13:55
I've been to opticians to and my eye sight is fine .. Check back of my eyes and no pressures so I'm putting it down to tension but it's just always there .. Consistent achy pain .. It doesn't really disrupt my day to day .. Just more of an anoyance .. Y did u friend have them? Stress?

05-08-10, 13:59
That's what they put it down to... To be honest he's never struck me as the stressy type - not at all, one of very few people that I would say that about but maybe he kept it all in until it had to go somewhere. They tried beta blockers to treat it at one point but nothing made much difference and eventually it went away.

I often tend to get a sore throat along with the bad neck when I have a headache btw - never heard anyone else mention that before.

05-08-10, 13:59
thats understandable.. when do you think you will be able to see a doctors? why dont you go a walk in center ? I just think you have tormented your mind for so long that its only going to get worse until the doc gives you the reassurance you need..

I went to a walk in doctors a while ago but they just said anxiety about the things I was experiencing and didn't seem to really care about what I was feeling, I went twice and both of them were as uncaring as eachother so I'd rahter just go to a doctor who I can go back and forth to and get some sort of friendly relationship with.
I'm not signed up to the doctors near me so I've got to figure out how I do that first and then make an appointment, not sure how this all works because I've never really done it before.

I can't tell what's anxiety and what's not anymore, I used to put everything down to anxiety because I could relax it and I could bring it on, I had triggers for certain ways I'd feel and I went through stages of avoiding certain things because they'd bring it on but because this off-balance/dizziness, headache, neckache,backache, sounds and smells, hot sweats and generally feeling unwell has stayed regardless of what I do I just can't believe it's anxiety :/

05-08-10, 14:09
Today I've also noticed I've got a throbbing around and above my eyebrows, sort of like a heartbeat there, ugh, what next?
I'll wake up tomorrow and my eyes'll be hanging out or something.

05-08-10, 14:10
Go to your nearest gp surgery and sign up .. It shud b that easy .. How old are you ?

05-08-10, 14:11
Go to your nearest gp surgery and sign up .. It shud b that easy .. How old are you ?

Yeah I'll have seen the doc by the time next week comes hopefully :)

05-08-10, 14:31
I was thinking of having some massages of some sort to relieve this 'tension' ..

There are a lot of things that I think can be done to relieve some of it.. what sort of things did ur mate do to relax him and can u remember what tests he had?

05-08-10, 14:34
Yeah I'll have seen the doc by the time next week comes hopefully :)

Mate, the sooner the better eh?? a bit of reassurance and I'm sure you will be back on your feet.. did u study ? college? uni?

just a thought as a lot of computer use can trigger these symptoms??

05-08-10, 14:39
hi i see your both online sorry to but in but i have just posted tread on fling can you look and help,,please ,have you thought it could be sinus causing the pain or your teeth both can make you have bad headache

05-08-10, 14:46
Adam 22-
Well I've only been on the computer so much the past 2 days, before that I haven't really been on I'd just come on on my mobile.

gypsywomen - I've posted on your flying thread and yeah I've considered my sinus's as they've been feeling weird and everything relates, it's just the neck pain, back pain and twitches, hot flushes and things like that that I can't see how they can relate to my sinus's.x

05-08-10, 14:51
Midnight calm - is your headache there when u wake up and when you go to bed?? just consistent throughtout the day ?

05-08-10, 15:01
Not it comes and goes, it's the being off balance and neck ache that usually stays alllll day.
the headache is usually there but not that noticeable until certain parts of the day.

05-08-10, 15:07
I think all of our symtoms are driven by our anxiety mate.. we are both quite young and both suffer.. I havent gone to work today.. cause I feel s*** .. i havent suffered from HA for long.. a month since the doc told me what it was ..

Im trying so hard to get back to the normal .. im anoying my family and my girlfriend which is just so frustrating... I get angry.. and I just want to feel normal agian ..

how long have you suffered from HA?

05-08-10, 15:38
i had a headache for 3 years - i was under the headache clinic/pain clinic - stress/anxiety can cause a chronic tension headache and the more you get worked up about it - the longer it will persist.

if you are worried about a brain tumour then you don't need to because believe it or not - pain is the most rare symptom of this!

i still get loads of headaches but they do not worry me anymore - i try to get lots of rest and drink lots of water. my original headache only lifted when i started to accept it and not worry about it. it is much more common than you think x

05-08-10, 15:42
that makes a lot of sense .. thankyou :) ..

Im sorry that you have experienced it for soo long..
yeh obviously that was my main worry.. I just cant get my mind round how it can last for this long?? day in and day out.. it doesnt hurt .. it just aches ... and its all over..

was this the same case with you? 24/7

05-08-10, 15:52
That's reassuring joanna, I'd be less worried about it if it wasn't for the fact I feel constantly off balance, neck and shoulder ache, sometimes feel nauseous and just feeling generally unwell :/ x

05-08-10, 15:59
ive been doing a lot of reading over the past hour and I think most tension headaches are caused from the neck and shoulders.. this in turn causes the head pain throughout the head.. which strains the muscles causing possible effects such as nausia.. I really believe all these symptoms are caused through anxiety..

Joanna - was this similar to your experiences?

05-08-10, 16:18
Yeahh, I can feel it coming on now, my left shoulder is starting to ache and so is my neck, by like 9 I'll just be in a load of pain.
Had to go for a walk before because I just got an awful feeling, like I needed to escape, like I could faint, my stomach was just tight and I was hoping my chest wouldn't go the same way, thankfully it didn't, but I'm pretty knackered just from that :|

05-08-10, 16:23
most of my pains are in the sides of my heads and a bit in the forehead.. my neck is still sore.. are u taking any meds at all ?

05-08-10, 16:24
Nope, no meds, haven't been to doctor about anything I've had yet so I've not been prescribed anything and I never take any sort of painkillers or migraine relief or anything :/

05-08-10, 16:33
I was just thinking... havent u got a family g.p i.e. a surgery where all ur family are registered ?

05-08-10, 17:13
Anyone else experienced long duration tension headaches ?? 24/7 headaches ?

any experiences would be very reassuring


05-08-10, 17:17
i've just filled out the registration forms for the gp near me, going in tomorrow to take them and asking them if i can have an appointment soon!
I do have but I've never really been and it's too far for me to get to especially as im always dizzy.x

05-08-10, 17:24
thats good news mate.. I'm glad you have finally sorted out a g.p ...
im sure you will make it there ..

you shud write down everything .. so you dont forget symptoms when you have youre appointment

but its a start .. you really need to believe what they tell you .. they are professionals after all.

05-08-10, 18:49
I found that the things I have apart from the neck ache and shoulder ache fade when it gets past 10-11, they don't disappear but they become less noticeable.

I wrote everything down, I literally have a full a4 lined paper of symptoms :| x

05-08-10, 19:12
That's y u should write it all down mate .. Hopefully u will get an appointment straight away !
How long have u had HA symptoms for anyway?

06-08-10, 00:05
Anyone out there that can shed some light on my little problem ? Anything response would be great .. Thanks

06-08-10, 00:08
its usually stress that causes i lot of headaches ive been getting them for about 4-5 days now

06-08-10, 00:11
posture can cause headaches too - stop slouching if you do

06-08-10, 00:20
Thanks for the reply .. Do u think this 2 week headache is tension and stress related .. It's so frustrating .. It just a dull achy pain .. 24/7

06-08-10, 00:26
Well we had a member on here that had it for 3 months and it turned out to be nothing more that tension headaches.

I think a massage would help and make sure your posture is good.

06-08-10, 00:27
yeah the more you stress the more you get the more you get the more you stress

06-08-10, 00:36
Thanks for your replys ... 3 months !!!!!! I hope it goes be4 then !! Thanks for the tips .. Any meds that can speed the recovery ? I'm on diazapan already, on 5mg on my 3rd day

06-08-10, 11:41
Hi Adam

I honestly wouldn't look to meds to speed the recovery, try taking the advice that you have been given re massage and posture..the fact that you have a stiff neck points to tense muscles causing the headaches.

I have been here on NMP for a couple of years now and have seen people come and go with excruciating headaches..the one thing they had in common was the belief that it couldn't posibly be connected with anxiety and muscular tension, that it had to be something sinister..to my knowledge none of the people that had this fear ever had anything serious.

They had all the tests you could think of including MRI's, all of which came back normal but because of the problem believing that nothing was wrong, the tension and headaches continued...a vicious circle.

The headaches went when they managed to take on board that there was nothing seriously wrong.

Try and use the tips you have been given and Im sure thing will improve. :)

06-08-10, 11:58
Thanks very much for the advice and yes I will take all the advice given .. Ur right the fact that it is not going is somewhat disturbing .. I'm gonna really try and stay postitve .. Been docs and he has stopped my diazapan and started me on amptripline ?? Will these help ?

06-08-10, 15:31
any ideas on taking amitripiline ? does it do the job, thinking my doctor wants me off diazapan ?

any advice or experiences are welcome


06-08-10, 16:40
Hi Adam.
You're not alone at all.
Here is my thread:
Sorry if my English is not good...

06-08-10, 17:06
Thanks mate .very similar to my story ...Can anyone else help? Anyone had this through stress ?

07-08-10, 10:09
Hello everyone..

Just wanted to give you an update..

the headache is still here :wacko: ..............ahhhhhh

I have been experiencing a soreness / tender feeling on the left side of my head.. is this a normal symptom of what im suffering from...

Please post back

Adam :)

07-08-10, 10:19
anyone .. is soreness and tenderness a symptom of a tension headache?

07-08-10, 11:06
I wrote this before and I don't know it really works for others but
Sometimes it's like a miracle for me.
Work out and exercise , in my condition I am running and thinking about how it feels to me when I'm really tired and cannot continue but then again I'll try to run more. Also I'd like to RUN alone and don't speak with anybody during my exercise and love to listen to my MP3Player's songs.

08-08-10, 14:08
with a tension headache.. can the pain be all over.. but at different times.. i.e one day it can affect the left and then the right .. but today the back?

any help would be great

11-10-10, 23:13

I was told i had anxiety about a year ago and for around 4 months i was really bad, now i still worry mostly about my health but it not as bad. Three weeks ago i had a couple of days where i was worrying alot and this is when my "tension headache started", since then pretty much everyday ive had some sort of ache above my eyes and around my forehead. I saw my GP who thought i may have a sinus infection and i was put on antibiotics for 5 days which did nothing. I then began to worry which as a vicious circle made my headache worse so i worried more etc.. I took two strong painkillers whcih took it away all together and i went out and forgot all about it and it didnt bother me most of the day however as soon as i got back inside and thought about it again.....it was back. My neck, shoulders and upper all seem really tight and tense which cant be helping. I totally understand all your worries and know how hard it is to deal with constant worry and anxiety. It sounds strange but it reassuring to know theres other people out there that feel the same way!

Sorry if that was just a load of babble.