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26-02-04, 15:17
i dont often dream,if i do,i dont often remember them,the next day,well its now 3pm,and its still vivid!

i was in another forum,and i came accross this post..here it is!

hi all,we were watching re-runs,of old episodes of only fools and horses,last nite,when a friend of mine from nomorepanic,phoned up to say,that he thought i was one of the countries top comedy actors.so now your all thinking HEY,WHO IS THIS GUY WEVE BEEN CHATTING TOO,well,ime not saying,you will have to guess,but i will give you a clue,i was in the 4th series,of OFAH...guess away!

as we were watching the re-runs,i pointed out to my friends present,a mistake that david jason made,whilst recording...uncle albert,had mistook cassies specimen for orange..and after the shock,del said no more panic..he meant to say..lets not panic..but his wife jocelyn had just died of parkinsons,and he had been searching the web for information...END OF DREAM!

well,although ime a fan of david jason,i dont know,if his former wife is alive or dead,and also i doubt if her name was jocelyn! funny old dream though...heee....bryan...wheres those men in white coats!

26-02-04, 21:22

I've remembered my dreams the last 3 nights and they are all about the same thing..but all different( does this make sense!!!)Each night I have dreamt I was pregnant..which Im not. Who knows what this means???

AS for your dream..were you watching only fools and horses yesterday? I think you dream about things that happened during the day etc..never mind, the men in white coats will be coming soon!!!!


26-02-04, 21:28
i had the most strangest dream ever, i was in a room, everything i loved, even a massive suitcase of £10 and £20 pound notes, cool, all of a sudden i left the room (i donno why, i couldnt control myself) and i was is sainsburrys, i went from aisle to aisle and more and more people turned up, afterwards i was in a veggy area and everyone was starring at me, judging me and then, i collapsed, donno why!!!

anyway bryan, i very odd dream, you should stop watchin ofah if thats gonna happen, lol


26-02-04, 23:35
strange enough,only fools and horses,is my fav show,but i havent seen it for weeks,as one of my girls boyfriends took my video apart,and then couldnt put it back again lol

last nite,i watched the film <the sting>,i was only going to watch an hour,but it was soo good,i couldnt go to bed,and as i had today off,i watched it all.

i havent been into other forums,ime far too busy packing,ready for my move...so it must be just one of those things..heee..bryan.

27-02-04, 09:06
Hi Bryan

Hows the preparation going? And how did you fare in your exam?

Hope the move is going to plan. Are we still intending to meet up at Megs sometime in May when you're settled and the weathers better?

Happy dreaming! Trampus says hello, but he's not in the best of moods today. He loves the snow, but can't go out and play in it today.He has got to stay in and wait for the vet to come and give him his flu/tet booster!



What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

27-02-04, 12:34
thanks charlie,

moving in four weeks,final exams six weeks...busy packing at the moment,hope you got my emails,have been deleting stuff,off my pc,ready to throw it on skip lol.

once i move,i will be buying a car,no point in having a car in london,you can walk quicker!so,sure i will be able to get to megs,for our knees up lol

poor trampus,horses love frollicking in the snow,just like there owners lol,we are lucky in south london,just a few flurries,nothing settling at the moment,my day off today,so not bothered about weather!

take care matey ....bryan.

27-02-04, 13:25
sadie.... A pregnancy is a new beginning maybe thats how you are feeling in your life at the moment, Jade.... houses and rooms crop up a lot in our dreams, houses represent ourselves, and rooms can mean different parts of ourselves, maybe theres a part of you that feels very happy and safe and you are content with, and another part that feels very vunerable and as you said feels that you are being judged at the moment. they say its important to take into consideration your emotions in these dreams thats a good pointer Bryan.... I have no idea mate, lol. that being said does anyone have any ideas on my recurring dream, its very vivid in sound and vision.I look up and see a plane which immediatly starts to plunge to the ground- very noisy and scary I run into either my house or someone elses, and theres a big fireball and explosion and I stand there really relieved and think wow im fine im not hurt. probably something really simple they normally are lol.
bluebird 1 (lyn)

27-02-04, 17:00
Hi everyone, blu ur interpretations sound good, do u no wot this may mean? I had this dream a couple of years a go but it has never left me..I dreamt that i came down with MS (some sorta disease that turns out to be real) and i was losing all my abillities, ie to walk and talk, my mum took me to a place in deavon where they look after ppl with this disease and i remember walking round the corridor and seeing to old mates from primary school who i havent seen in years, the next thing i knew i woz sat in a chair nxt to my mum and there were ppl in the room wiv d disease worse than me.
Does any one else find that they dream about bad things happening alot? I have dreamt about losing family members, my town being attacked by terorist (after 911) but also a coupl of nights ago i dreamed that a member of this forum died and su, meg and kate were asked to take over!

I agree i to believe u dream about stuff that u have on ur mind or in ur subconscious blu.


Positive thinking is the key to success!

27-02-04, 18:33
I can assure you - we are not having a knees up in the traditional dancing sense.

I can point you in the direction of the Pink Coconut in Derby should you feel the ned for a grab- a- grandad - bop


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

28-02-04, 22:03
i have weird dreams too, in 1 i died, not v nice, me my mum and my friend were shot by snipers. so it aint true that if u die in ure dream u die in real life, unless i am dead but every1 can see and hear me!! neway xx hugs Rachel xx

28-02-04, 22:11

i doubt if many MEN,would walk into a place called, the pink coconut!

think i will stick to the idea of a southern meet lol.........bryan.

28-02-04, 22:34
we get dreams from what we are thinking, we even think what we dont think we are


29-02-04, 00:27
Rest assured Bryan , there are wall to wall Men of all ages, sizes, shapes, preferences there in their hoardes...


29-02-04, 14:32
quote:Originally posted by Samantha

but also a coupl of nights ago i dreamed that a member of this forum died and su, meg and kate were asked to take over!

Sam was it me that died by any chance?


29-02-04, 15:33
i had an odd dream last night.i was walking down a street and there was a hole, idioticly i just through it i was falling and falling and falling. 10 minutes later i fell on to ground and woke up. odd eh?


29-02-04, 16:28

If you want to know what your dreams mean..why dont you put 'dream meanings' into a search engine and find out....there are lots of different web pages on this.

take care


29-02-04, 16:40
Yea it was Nic, sorry i didnt want to say, can you imagine the fun su would have if she was in charge,,,,lol everyone would be in her gang. A friend from school has also died in my dream, i was so upset i thought it had happened so i went round school looking for her the next day to make sure she was ok,,,,lol


Positive thinking is the key to success!

29-02-04, 17:29
God I dont think I want to know what my dreams mean - they are always twisted and very vivid!


29-02-04, 19:07
i havent looked at the dream meaning thing but i think i know what my dream means. I think it means that i take risks without thinking about it and it can lead to bad consiquences


29-02-04, 19:35
quote:Originally posted by Samantha

Yea it was Nic, sorry i didnt want to say, can you imagine the fun su would have if she was in charge,,,,lol everyone would be in her gang.
Sam it is ok

You were obviously just thinking about me. The thing that worries me is that a death usually means a birth so I hope I ain't pregnant !! [:0];)[:p]


29-02-04, 21:10
Does it really, cool, maybe in the near future youll be hearing the sound of little feet around the house,,,,,,kittens? lol


Positive thinking is the key to success!

29-02-04, 22:27

all the cats have been done so it can't be them - lol.

It could be someone related to me - my cousin's wife just had a baby - does that count? lol


01-03-04, 18:47
Maybe, i think i no y it mite have happened in the day ive been thinking wot if sum1 on here died, would anyone know or find out?


Positive thinking is the key to success!

01-03-04, 22:54
Yeah Sam - very true! Who would you miss and wonder how they were?

The regulars get missed - i.e. if we didn't post on here or go in chat for a while - but what about the quieter ones?

I guess you can't take that responsibility on however (checking that everyone is ok) cos it is too big a job!


02-03-04, 19:30
nic, get everyone to post on here to make sure they are here but if they hadnt posted then that may mean that there GONE!!


02-03-04, 21:18
Well we have lost SU for starters!


03-03-04, 17:04
NOOOOOOO how will we cope with out the leader and her wonderful lol stories? i know its not possible to keep tabs on everyone Nic but it makes you wonder, just wanna make sure everyones ok,,,,lol


Positive thinking is the key to success!

03-03-04, 18:42

She's back LOL, she has posted on her Aunt Su page!!!!!

Kate x

04-03-04, 21:27
YAY we have a leader again,,,,lol


Positive thinking is the key to success!

05-03-04, 14:04

I'm a terrible worrier if someone hasn't posted for a while but you are right there is no way we can check on everyone!!!

I just have to assume they are doing okay and will come back if they need us
