View Full Version : Introducing Myself

05-08-10, 16:21
Hi everyone, just joined today. I suffer from IBS, migraines, bursitis (hips), strained shoulders (last yeat still on-going) and oh yes i'm also in pre-menopause. Is that enough?

I have a wonderful husband who although is sympathetic and spoils me rotten is not too keen on the detail of it all so I need to speak to others who have some of the same suff.

05-08-10, 16:22
Hi Allium

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-08-10, 16:32
Hey Allium,

Welcome to NMP!!! You have certainly come to the right place...lots of friendly, helpful people on here who will support you and listen.

Take care

Vanilla Sky
05-08-10, 21:11
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x