View Full Version : Anxiety is taking over - please help

05-08-10, 16:28
Over the past few weeks I've deteriorated quite badly. There's a lot of added stress in my life at the moment and it's really taken it's toll.

I've been in high anxiety states ... crying, stomach churning, diarrhoea, shaking, no concentration, pacing the floor and inevitably, suicidal thoughts.

I have Lorazepam for when things get really bad but I nearly always have to phone someone to get permission to take it. I'm so frightened of becoming addicted and I couldn't cope with that along with everything else.

I live alone, have no friends or family for support. I feel like I have nothing to live for. The anxiety is taking over and I don't have the will to fight any more. I'm sick of it. I can't eat, drink or sleep. I want it all to stop but I'm too much of a coward to just draw a line under things and end it. And despite the fact that family don't care enough to offer support, I think they care enough to be distressed if I ended things. If that makes sense.

I'd appreciate any advice. I think maybe I need to take my meds. I wish there was a button I could press to make anxiety just float away. And stay away. It's destroying me.

Please tell me something positive about life. I've lost sight of anything worth living for.

05-08-10, 16:30
There're are a lot of people on her who'd hate to see you unhappy and would love to help, in a way you could say they're like friends :)

jude uk
05-08-10, 19:56
your right, without hands on support it can be very difficult but not impossible. Coming on here and sharing how you feel allows others to gather around you and hopefully give you good advice. I know in Glasgow there is a org called steps and they are very good but if your not in Glasgow there will be other orgs in your area that will support you. Maybe ask your doctor and see whats there for you.
Never think that your life means little because you can also give so much support to others on here and thats a massive boost for them and shows you that you have so much to give

05-08-10, 19:59
Oh my darling , I wish i could be there to give you a big cuddle and reasure you that you will feel better, if you have meds to take maybe you should give who you are supposed to ring a call, I can only say stay in touch with us, we are many who understand your situation, never feel there is no one to help, we are here and there is so much on this site to give you support.

I am thinking of you and sending you love and understanding xxxxxxxxx

crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-08-10, 20:48
Always always come here when you feel low, you are NOT alone! This is a community and despite the relative anonymity of a website there are always people to support you and you should check out the pages about meeting other sufferers as someone is bound to be in your locale!
You will get through this and everyone has plenty to live for, perhaps you should see your doctor and explain just how low you are feeling, doctors are there to support you and can point you in the direction of
Local help networks.

Big massive cwtch's!