View Full Version : Visual Disturbances??

05-08-10, 18:33
I've been experiencing strange things with my vision lately. Anything from blurred vision to flashing lights. It's so scary, i've been told it's a new anxiety symptom i am experiencing, but i can not convince myself that it is all down to anxiety.
When this happens loads of thoughts go through my head. I've also been getting pains in my head and down my neck, and as you do have been putting two and two together and getting five. ((Brain tumor!!)).

I have only recently had a full blood count, which revealed i am anemic, and i keep telling myself if there was anything else wrong i'd of found out from the blood results.

I have previously suffered terrible panic attacks and anxiety for years, but just recently i had a baby and all through my pregnancy i managed my own anxiety and panic very well, but now i feel it is creeping back in my life :((
I do not want to go through what i went through before. Phoning ambulances, endless doctors appointments, different medication every month, CBT and counseling. I am trying my hardest, as i don't want my son to see me suffer, but i am becoming my own worst enemy!!

Does anyone have any advice??

05-08-10, 18:36
Hi there,

A post I might actually be able to help with!

I have had 4 babies, my recent one is 5 months old. In each and every pregnancy, I have had visual disturbances. Its down to the hormones, they change the shape of your eyes and its vision. After you have a baby, it can take up to 9 months for the hormones to get back to normal.

Is this your first baby? Keep in mind that you will be more prone to PND with a history of anxiety. It doesnt mean you have a problem with your baby or anything like that, just that you might find you dont cope with things as well as you would normally. See your gp for that xxx

05-08-10, 19:23
Thank you very much for your reply.

Actually i did find that when i was pregnant i'd have alot of blurred vision.

This is my first child, he is also 5 month old :)
I had no idea it could be related. Thank you xx

05-08-10, 19:31
You are very welcome. You might also be having migraines, I get them in pregnancy and just after birth, but I dont get the pain, just the aura. It might start with me feeling unwell then within a few hours, i notice a little flickering in my left eye, then things will begin to blink and flash. This is also hormone caused and more common with girl babies. If you still have it after 9 months, I would see a gp, incase they are going to stay. xx

05-08-10, 19:46
Hi There, I have just had a baby too, dont worry anemia causes visual disturbances, you will feel much better when you start the iron tablets... just constipated!!!
Big Love

05-08-10, 21:47
I wondered about migraines as well, as they're often triggered by hormonal changes and they can most certainly cause visual disturbances, particularly flashing lights (I know, I've had them for years!).

Sounds like it would be a good idea to have a chat with your GP about this, as he/she will be able to advise you whether it's migraine or not.

06-08-10, 08:15
Aww, thank you for your replies :)

I didn't know anemia could cause this. I have been on my iron tablets a few days now, so fingers crossed. I don't know if this is related, but since stopping my pill (im on my pill free week) my anxiety and these visual problems have eased off - not gone away, but are more manageable.
People have asked me about migraines, but since i haven't had a headache as such i've passed it off, but now reading replies, it could be possible.