View Full Version : Barium Swallow..... Worried?

05-08-10, 18:58
I had a Barium Swallow today ( not as bad as I expected!) however I wa looking at the screen when he asked me to face him and swallow the liquid ( quite fancinating watching it go down!) sorry I'm getting off track here. Basically I thought I saw something sinister in my neck/throat area? As that's where all my problems are.

I have the sensation of something stuck in my throat. Neck pain all down my Sternocleidomastoid, under my chin his radiates sometimes to the shoulder, chestand back only on the right side. I suppose it doesn't he'll that EVERY FRIGGIN DAY I prod and poke my neck, glands and throat all on that side? I'm so scared I have something untoward going on. A tumor in my neck? I do a grand job of hidding all this most of the time but it's affecting my life.

Please, please somebody help and reassure me? My GP is shit. The practice don't care! I'm just a pain in the arse to them. I don't know what else to do? Pain is a warning something is wrong!!!! I'm in pain. I have an up and coming appt for ultrasound and MRI......

Thanks, Nina xxx

05-08-10, 19:00
Sorry about typos - I'm on the iPhone :-s

05-08-10, 20:16
Hey! How did you fond the barium swallow?
I wouldn't think too much into the thing you thought you saw in your neck!
I would panic myself aswell but we are not medically trained! Something that may look completely terrifying to us may be something perfectly normal! You're throat problems are more then likely due to anxiety!
I have problems with a feeling of something being stuck in my throat ad can't swallow and my throat is fine!
You'll be okay =]v
sorry if I've made typos haha - I'm on the iPhone aswell =p xxx

06-08-10, 06:04
Hi - thank you for your reassurence. I found the Barium Swallow not too bad. The liquid was rancid; however I had freaked myself out so much over this, to the point I was going to cancel but my HA hot the netter of me! And I thought it will be my fault if there is something there :-( so my mum came with me and it wasn't what I was expecting!

I never had to strip to a hospital gown, just remove my bra under my top. Stand on a platform with a padded wall behind and had a big square camera infront of me. I could see myself on the screen! That wad pretty cool! Watching this stuff go down! It did take my mind off it for a few seconds but then I started focusing on the neck/throat area :-( how do you suffer with your throat? I've had a Naso Endoscopy too - came back clear. Next is a MRI and ultrasound :-( I mean all my symptoms, I mean physical symptoms i.e. throat, neck pain, something feeling as if it's stuck etc have all been a few months after the massive painc incident. I bought a hell of slot of stress on myself, had panic attacks daily and then thought I was fine.

Then bam.... All these pysical aches and pains started. I find it very hard to believe a doctor. The majority have not a clue how to deal with a anxious patient - suffering. I'm still not convinced. I mean how can this still be occuring with my throat when I actually feel better? I never used to have pain in my neck? just the atypical signs of Globus Hystericus????

Thanks again, anymore advice would be much appreciated!

Nina xxx