View Full Version : I finally did it!

05-08-10, 19:20
Today I actually went to the nurses smear clinic and had a test. I'm so overdue I can't remember when I had one done before, but due to panic & anxiety and bad/painful experiences in the past I could not bring myself to go. Only responsibility for my daughter and knowing that this preventative can save lives finally got me to go....

I booked a long appointment, after explaining to the receptionist that I was extremely nervous, and had a good chat with the nurse first. I took 4mg diazepam 2hrs before the appointment, because I knew if I was tense it would be more uncomfortable. The nurse really listened and put me at ease. Took things slowly checking I was ok throughout. I actually felt quite positive and know that not only have I been, when I need to go again I will feel more able and more confident.

One to me! (one in the eye for PA!) woo hoo!

05-08-10, 21:13
I'm so glad you had a good experience Lisa. Good for you. I think it's a test most of us women hate getting!! Well done also to the nurse who sounds really understanding and made you feel more at ease. It makes all the difference.
Myra x

Vanilla Sky
05-08-10, 21:16
Well done to you :)

06-08-10, 12:24
:yesyes: Well done paige

That test is one A lot of woman never look forward too and even less when we suffer with anxiety etc. It is however a test we need so good for you on plucking the courage up to have it done and for beating the anxiety to do so.

06-08-10, 12:25
well done you have done the right thing:)

margaret jones
06-08-10, 12:34
Well done you need a pat on the back or a big hug :hugs: it will be easier next time now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx maggie