View Full Version : Symptoms Starting Again

05-08-10, 19:20

Am actually feeling quite calm but the symptoms are starting - the hot sweats, the tightness in the neck and my head feeling like its in a clamp - am just trying to carry on as normal and trying to avoid thinking what might come but very hard - emmerdale is not working as a distraction :). Have to try and smile otherwise scared to lose it. Hope everyone else ok.

05-08-10, 19:45
hi shore, emmerdales not to brill at the moment is it that ryan is a peg head !!!!!!! we all deserve an inner calm, don't hold on to your anxiety as we know it will go away, we just wish it was NOW xxxxx I try to laugh with mine it does help xxxxxxx

jude uk
05-08-10, 19:50
Its always good to remain as calm as possible when you start to feel this way because no doubt you have been here many times before and know it will pass but it is uncomfortable. Does Emmerdale really work lol
I cant remember when I last watched a soap and I thought durty den was still in east enders:)
Most times I find doing the dishes or cleaning up does help.

Hope you feel good

05-08-10, 19:51
Thanks Crissy

Am just trying not to worry amazingly my heart is not pounding just the fuzzy head and body and claminess so just trying to talk my self into thinking "whatever" - might phone a friend in a minute just to talk rubbish hopefully that may help as opposed to talking to the cat - now I definitely must be going mad!

05-08-10, 20:19
hi shore, don't worry about talking to your cat animals love us without conditions i have loads of them, mine just look at me no matter what state i am in and you can see in there eyes that we are needed, we do not have to be perfect just be there, we are just over sensitive to our reactions. YOU are doing GREAT it is how we react that matters.
I am here for you as well as many others let's see what corries like EH xx HAHA xx
love crissy

05-08-10, 20:31
Ah thanks again - am thinking I might do a self tan in a minute to take mind of things but god knows what I'll end up looking like when doing it feeling a bit strange - will end up like tango woman I think - lol!! Just nice to know there are people out there who feel the same - I've always had the opinion that people who had anxiety and panic attacks just felt a bit stressed - how wrong was I. Hope you're feeling ok and am just thinking how stressed must John be on corrie :D