View Full Version : Tired, lonely and worried

05-08-10, 21:14
I was doing better until about three weeks ago. I am constantly exhausted, to the point of starting to fall asleep about an hour after I get up, when I sit down on the sofa I feel like I could clothes my eyes and happily sleep.

I have random other symptoms like constant indigestion, nausea, my IBS seems to be flaring up every so often and I generally feel really down about myself. I constantly seem to be coughing. I had blood tests (full blood count) and everything came back normal except for slightly low iron levels. After the blood test though my arm started to bruise a lot and made me feel like my arm was numb and heavy.

I also randomly have some sort of sprain/pain/tendonitis in my foot, Just all feels like I am falling apart.

I get moments in meetings and during the day where I am convinced I am going to die, but I don't panic, almost just accept it.

I really do feel alone...even though things are going better than they have been in years in some ways. I don't understand what is happening :(

05-08-10, 21:42
Hi scorpianwhispers

sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. I know how you feel so much.

I cant really offer any advice except to say you are not alone , i know how you feel.

all the best
Montana x

05-08-10, 22:26
hi scorpianwhispers....all i can offer is words of comfort....like montana says....you are not alone....did something happen three weeks ago? i do hope this phase passes soon and that you are feeling better....let us know how you are getting on xxxx

05-08-10, 23:06
This will pass. Sometimes we are hit by the anxiety at points in our life when all seems well or better than it was and it just comes back and bites us on the bottom to remind us it is still lurking in the background.

You will overcome this phase and feel better. Stay strong.


05-08-10, 23:49
Thank you for your responses. No I don't remember anything happening 3 weeks ago, I have a young daughter though and she is getting up early and earlier and I just don't feel like I am coping at the moment. Random negative thoughts pop into my head and I just feel like I am living on borrowed time with something horrible approaching. So as normal I sort of fixate on my health. I don't know, just want to feel a bit better again.