View Full Version : think this is it

05-08-10, 21:40
i had few lumps at the bottom of my gums at the front there been there for years and never been painful
now getting a dry mouth and lip's

think it HIV or cancer

am shaking sorry about my spelling i can barely put this down

05-08-10, 22:00
What has the dentist said they are?

05-08-10, 22:05
nothing cause i not got one cant get a nhs dentist

a doctor look at them a few years ago say there nothing bad about them

05-08-10, 22:05
You can still get them - where do you live?

Has the doc seen them then?

05-08-10, 22:06
When you say lumps what kind of lumps are they ? Are they raised ones? painful to touch?

05-08-10, 22:07
Are you sure you aren't feeling your teeth as they go from the tooth right down to the bottom of the mouth?

05-08-10, 22:17
there not painful to touch
i had them for four years
there one hard lump and few little ones that i can move round with my tongue

05-08-10, 22:21
Ok so if you had them that long then they must be normal for you.

If you tell me where you live I will look up a site about NHS dentists as I heard that they have to offer them in all areas now.

05-08-10, 22:27

05-08-10, 22:38
ok try this:


05-08-10, 22:44
thank you nicola
are all them on the list nhs dentist?

05-08-10, 22:50
Well I assumed so cos I found it on the NHS website but there is a number you can call to check.

I just thought that maybe a dentist would be better to look at the lumps that was all.

I went to the dentist yesterday and I am on the NHS patient list and I got a check-up, x-rays and a de-scale all for £16.50 so it is worth getting with the NHS if you can.

I wasn't being flippant about the lumps by the way but I think if you have had them that long then they are kind of normal for you.

The dry mouth I get when I am a bit anxious - are you feeling more anxious than normal at the moment?

05-08-10, 23:02
A lot of people have small lumps and bumps in their mouth - doesn't mean cancer necessarily. Dentists are trained to look for such things so I'm sure if you can get hold of one it'll put your mind at rest. Also remember that such things are far more likely in people who drink and smoke heavily and are relatively rare otherwise.

It's also important to get your anxiety under control so if you've been feeling like this perhaps you should visit your GP as well.

05-08-10, 23:02
please let me just say thank you and sorry

my brother try to resure, by saying if something was up it be very painfull.

a bit yes, i was worried about my liver,
also been on diet, witch when i lose weight i keep thinking is cause am dying.

i was at dentist 2 years ago but because i could not find my proof of income support, they refussed to see me

05-08-10, 23:04
hello Melancholia

thank you for your reply
i will try get in a dentist

my anxiety has been good to last few days i started cbt
but this dry mouth is really bothering me i keep drinking

05-08-10, 23:05
Aww well if you are dieting you are supposed to lose weight so don't worry about that.

Well I would try and see a dentist for reassurance - they know more about mouths than doctors.

What are the worries with your liver can I ask?

05-08-10, 23:07
Ahh the yellow marks on the stomach yes? Have they gone yet? I just read the replies to your other post and someone with a lot of knowledge about liver cancer was right - you would have other symptoms as well if it was the liver

05-08-10, 23:13
i find this yellow mark on my body near my liver area
the doctor i seen was fantastic she tell me what it would be like and so on

once had liver test come back unnormal, but doctor tell me since then i had 2 more test on my liver, each time it's come back normal, and that it is likely was just fat.

05-08-10, 23:15
ok well put that worry behind you then - it is not liver cancer.

Try not to focus too much on your body and remember that you are suffering HA which takes over all positive focus and makes you think you are ill all the time.

05-08-10, 23:15
yes he/she was very very helpful
i just phone any dentist tomorrow see if i can get in

if the lumps were the big c i be dead now its been four years since i find them:doh:

05-08-10, 23:17
thank you nicola :hugs:

05-08-10, 23:28
Well you may not be dead but you would certainly be much more ill and there would have been other symptoms

Get a good sleep and start afresh tomorrow ok

05-08-10, 23:40
yea and my full blood count wouldn't have come back as normal if i had any kind of cancer

05-08-10, 23:56
Nope it would pick something up I am sure.

I think you will be fine

06-08-10, 09:52
can't get into dentist to thursday

06-08-10, 14:03
You found an NHS one though?

06-08-10, 21:23
Yes a nhs one
I been to doctor as well she had a good feel round

06-08-10, 21:48
She said it's 100% not muouth cancer

06-08-10, 21:50
Well that is good news then!

Ahh cool see - I knew that dentist's were still taking NHS patients on so at least you got that sorted too. I am useful for something :roflmao:

06-08-10, 22:16
What you did for me was fantastic nicola last night
you not only just help me calm me down but find me a nhs dentist as well

06-08-10, 22:20
Aww glad to be of help. Sometimes you just need someone to reassure you I think.

I am pleased that it wasn't anything sinister for you - I really am.