View Full Version : Just depression category?

05-08-10, 21:51
I was just looking through the site and found panic attacks and anxiety and depression from panic/anxiety...

I'm just depressed, feel low and wonder what I'm doing in life..I don't panic really, just go through the motions daily.

Just confused where I fit in on here :doh:

05-08-10, 23:20
I mainly suffer with depression too and I know it can be a bit overwhelming with all these anxiety topics on here but I really think anxiety and depression are very strongly linked and one can cause or lead to the other.

I have suffered with panic in the past and a few years back had a really bad bout of HA but I'm currently being treated for depression.

We all suffer with depression/anxiety in our own way so we all fit in here. The forum is here to help and support everyone and I've yet to find one as good as NMP.

06-08-10, 07:38
Welcome to NMP. I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

06-08-10, 07:47
Hi suffer more with depression but I do have anxiety too as the 2 go hand in hand, must say this is the best site I have come across on this subject.

06-08-10, 14:42

I think you can fit anywhere here....most people help wherever you post. I suffer anxiety and sometimes depression caused through the anxiety. I dip in and out of different posts...so feel free to do the same!! Someone always advises and supports you...its a brilliant site...you will be glad you found it!!!

Take care

06-08-10, 18:29

Just to reiterate what others have said-this is an excellent site which caters for people suffering all sorts of depression/anxiety problems. It has been a real help to me these past few weeks and I am sure you will fit in fine and take a lot from it.


06-08-10, 19:05
Welcome Unhappy - I agree, its just a title but if you read through, many "only" depressed members chat in here.

The whole forum is aimed (I think) at anxiety and panic so I guess its not a depression forum. But as said many depressed people use it and everyone is so supportive.

06-08-10, 19:37
It's better than any depression forum I've been on. There are some really complicated ones and ones specifically for Bi-polar. These are good for me as I am on lithium and it is often hard to get any sensible feedback about that on here. Also this forum is not about 'rating' each other as individuals (although you can rate posts) as some forums are and inviting others to be your 'friend'. All very exclusive and often a waste of time. I have had a diagnosis of severe recurrent depression' so I hope that I can be of some help.

08-08-10, 22:43
Thanks everyone..

I am feeling really down this last week, all gets a bit confusing!