View Full Version : Can a blood test show cancer?

06-08-10, 10:20
Can anyone tell me if a blood test shows up if you have cancer please?

06-08-10, 10:27
dr can tell by blood tests if something wrong ..but cant detect specifics..that needs more in depth investigation

06-08-10, 12:11

Yes when the blood tests are done there is something in them that identifys cancer but not where it is etc...further tests would then have to follow.


Cazza 7
14-08-10, 21:53

I went thru the same things when my panic attacks started , doc sent me for blood tests , i was sure i had cancer

Test said i did not but i didnt believe it panic and anxiety got worse

i wa put on meds citraplam 10 mg loads better happier been on them 3 mths
No longer believe i have cancer

I f the test say no its really NO

Hear u soon

Cazza 7...Caroline x