View Full Version : Physical Symptoms - how did they start for you?

06-08-10, 12:43
I was diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder recently and I am always worried about my health.

I started noticing aches and pains, then I would get really sleepy and start having heart thudding sensations.

I now get tired, dizzy, hot flushes, headaches, weak, twitching and shaking a lot of the time.

I was and still am convinced that its something else but I guess thats understandable.

How did your anxiety symptoms start and have you had the same sort of thoughts?

06-08-10, 12:52
flu symptoms ,tired didn't get out of bed for 3months pains all over ,,dizzy ,, felt unreal..didnt want to see anyone ,,felt sick pains all ove my tum ,,jumpingelectric shock feeling , sleep disturbence ,it was hell ,,,wouldnt eat couldnt eat just drank water .it was HELL.

06-08-10, 13:19
hi mine stared with dizziness, chest pains, heaviness on chest, arm/leg numbness, shaking, muscle spasms, blurred vision, feeling of warmth running through my body, headache, palpitations, sudden feeling i was going to dye. ever since im convinced theres something wrong with my heart even though ive had loads of test which has proved im fit and health, doesn't make me feel any better tho
zoe x

06-08-10, 20:05
Tight throat, tingling running up my back and through my body, sweating, tight chest, dizziness, whole body tensing up, fast breathing. And feeling so frightened i want to run away from myself! :(

06-08-10, 21:45
gypsywoman has said how i have been feeling lately .....

very reassuring, i have been worried about all sorts as doctor says cant fine anything wrong with my bloods etc.

uk23 i have had your symptoms too.

sarah x