View Full Version : head feeling wierd

06-08-10, 13:08
Hi guys,

I have made massive progress with my anixety, i am back at work back going out but yesterday kinda freaked me out. I was feeling a bit odd all day then when at the barbers i was just sat there and my head felt so odd, like it was almost weightless, as if it wasnt there, i know that sounds really daft but its the only way i can describe it. I really dont want it to stop me doing stuff again and sending me back to how i was.

Has anyone had anything similar

06-08-10, 13:13
yes many times its not nice ,its an adrenaline rush it soon passes dont worry you just have to keep going dont stop doing well because of it it wont harm you ,,you are doing so well ,,

06-08-10, 13:13
I've had this a few times I think- it kind of makes me move around just to check everythign feels OK....sounds odd and I can't really describe it. Is it a sudden feeling as if it's suddenly sort of emptied? x

06-08-10, 13:40
I agree with gyspywoman, its adrenaline rushing through you. a bit like when you stand up too fast the blood rushes from your head, same sort of thing. try to eat plenty and keep your sugar intake up and drink plenty of water to hydrate you, anxiety can make us very dehydrated.

06-08-10, 14:12
thanks everybody. It has knocked my confidence, but i still made myself go into work intstead of hiding away like i used too.

Yes emma, empty is how i would describe it. With my anxiety i never really had any problems with my head so thats why it took me by suprise.

Luckily i haven't had it today although my head does fell odd. kinda stretched at times then feels like its under pressure.
