View Full Version : does it ever end!

06-08-10, 13:40

I will try and keep this as short as i can!

At the age of 13 I was put on 10mg seroxat due to a drop in confidence and constant anxiety caused by a move to a new area. At the age of 16 I suffered my first panic attack during my GCSE exams and decided i could not continue with the exams as i felt escape from the exam room could be be difficult

I went straight into employment and started to have sudden panic attacks. I would then worry about having a panic attack at work as my job at the time was a few bus journeys away from my home. I quit my job and got one nearer to home. I then started to experience attacks on holidays and other situations that involved moving away from home, just incase i had a panic attack, so i began to go out less socially until i was introduced seroxat. I went on to 30mg of seroxat at the age of 17 and felt fine day to day with the occassional panic attack. I went back to education, college and university were generally ok on a day to day basis.

My doctor then told me i had to come off seroxat as i had been on it too long, so i tried and the side effects were horrendous. After a couple of months being on and off seroxat i told my gp i would not be able to come off it and was then put on paroxetine liquid form, my panic attacks came back quite strongly and began to interrupt my life especially work. The last few years have been good and bad, currently getting worse.

My basic concerns are coaches, i hate them! cars when someone else is driving, going to a new area that i do not know, going out with only one friend because if i do panic and go home i feel like i have let them down as i will have ruined their night out etc, sitting in a room full of people incase i cannot escape easily, sitting in the middle row of the cinema, people staying at my house or me staying at someone elses house (other than family) the list goes on, i have panicked before about having my hair cut! basically any situation where i feel escape may be embarressing or difficult. I think this is because i worry about having a panic attack and because i worry so much i end up having them. I know people say no one knows you are panicking but i have to go to the loo and i am occassionally sick, so they do know!
I hate being a burden to my friends and family because i do go totally irrational buti cannot help it sometimes.

The last 5 years have been difficult with certain events causing me to panic which have then set me back I have a close family, husband and friends that do what they can but i feel stuck.

My anxiety is bad at the moment I work an hours train journey away from home and even though i have been here 2 years the last few weeks have been bad as i have cut my medication from 15mg of escitalopram to 5mg as we would like to start a family. I now have no idea whether the way i feel is down to the cut of my medication or it is my anxiety! I sometimes thing i maybe am just ill but then it makes me panic more because i hate being ill away from home!!

Work is very understanding and i have managed to sit the panic out so far but it is so difficult. I would love to go home when i panic but if i do i know the next day will be worse. I hate taking time off when i really am ill as i struggle to come back in the next day. I would like to go part time but cannot afford it!

Its all so difficult!

06-08-10, 13:41
Hi atki

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Alan Mack
06-08-10, 21:24
Hi atki
I understand everything you wrote especially what you said about feeling your letting people down if your out somewhere and have a panic attack, it's happened to me more than I can remember the first time for me was when I just turned eighteen, me and my father where all set for a holiday to Canada the plan was to travel up to Glasgow and stay with family for a few days and then head out from Glasgow airport but while I was traveling on the bus to Glasgow I had a powerful panic attack which seemed to last forever I will never forget that bus trip it felt like days instead of hours I was on there, we eventually arrived at Glasgow but the next few days after that I was unabile to cope as the panic attacks where to strong and I ended up getting a train home the day after, my father ended up going on his own to Canada, after that happened I always had a horrible feeling of guilt that I'd let him down
Over the years I have had Panic disorder I've realized that we shouldn't be so hard on ourselves if things like that happen, we never asked to be this way but it sounds like you have people around you that are understanding and that's important because they won't judge you if you have a panic attack

I hate going on public transport if I hop on a bus or the metro train (which isn't very often lol) when the doors close it almost feels like it's a prison door slamming shut and I'm trapped on till the next station plus where I live some of the bus drivers have a bad attitude which doesn't help the situation alot

I see you took seroxat for a while I've been taking them for about nine years now, I agree with you about the side affects their horrible I'd tried to come of them about four years ago but the side affects kicked in I don't know if you had the same feeling but I started getting sharp pains in my head almost like small electric shocks plus my panic attacks come back ten fold it got so bad at one point I had panic attacks just thinking of opening the door to the postman, but I hope the meds your on now are working good for you
well I shall be off now and leave you in peace if you want to talk about anything I'm all ears:D
bye for now

Vanilla Sky
06-08-10, 22:12
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

07-08-10, 12:52
thanks for replying Alan, i know exactly what you mean about the train doors shutting especially when the train then sits on the track without moving! I didnt really have bad side effects on seroxat other than sweating at night, coming off them i felt nauseous and the anxiety was really bad, i used to just give up and go back on them as i couldnt handle the side effects and having to work full time. I think if i didnt work i wouldnt have such bad anxiety but everyone has to work i guess! i was put on citalopram but didnt find it did much for me, however the side effects coming off it are not too good so maybe it did do something! have been on medication since i was 14 am now 27 so i think im panicking about not having anything to fall back on. i got married 3 months ago and we are wanting to start a family so shouldnt really be on medication unfortunately. i am having CBT but its so expensive and dont find its helping to much. From what i have read i had a panic disorder which has led to agorophobia its not so bad i cant leave my house, if i am ill formore than 2 days i struggle to leave but its mostly situations i dfind difficult to escape from. Do you work? have agorphobia? what medication do you take?

Alan Mack
07-08-10, 21:02
Hiya atki
The medication I'm taking is 20 mg of seroxat/paroxetine I've been taking them for about nine years now at one point I change the dose to 30 mg but It made me feel like a zombie after a while so went back to 20, about four years ago I tried coming off them and switching to something else but the side effects got to much to handle so I just stayed on them but hopefully I can come off them in the future as I'm worried about being on them for so long, I can entirely understand your worries about trying to start a family and being on medication I don't have any children myself but I'd be worried to but I really hope it all goes well for you, you never know you'll start a lovely family and all this will be distant memory

I am Agoraphobic but wasn't in the beginning the panic attacks led up to to
me being Agoraphobic I've had counseling,therapy to help me go out but I can only go a certain distance form where I live and still find it difficult going on transport or popping into the shops

I used to have a great job I was a diesel technician in the steel works but sadly I had to give it up the panic got to much for me cope that's why I moved to Wales to stay with family I'm originally form Northampton, I'm glad to hear your still working all I can say is keep going it will keep you busy and your mind to.

bye for now speak soon

08-08-10, 17:07
im going to go to my doctors tomorow for a check up as i dont feel good todat at all and i have work tomorrow. im gonna keep working for now but if it gets too bad i will have to give it up but i worry about money and whether i will get any money from the government

Alan Mack
09-08-10, 16:21
Don't stress your self over work I've said in my last post to keep it going but if you find it to hard to cope then stop it might do you the world of good just to take time off for a while, as for money don't worry about getting help from the government you have a strong case for incapacity benefit although it's called something else now since the new government come into power, I hope it goes well at the doctors and they come up with a good path of recovery for you.

bye for now

09-08-10, 16:23
didnt get to work today, am going to the doctors later today to see i can get sorted

09-08-10, 16:31
hi atki ive been feeling awfull for nearly 2 weeks now and just want to be bk to normal its really hard and i feel as thou im never gonns get there ur gp will help u xx

09-08-10, 16:40
Im the same as Julieliverpool.
ive been signed off for 2 weeks this is my 2nd week and im scared stiff about going back to work.
I wish you a speedy recovery. xxx

09-08-10, 16:57
it doesnt seem 2 end shaz but we've got 2 look 2 the end of the tunnel sometimes being manic is as bad as depressive well thts how I find :huh:

09-08-10, 17:00
yes to true discostu58.

09-08-10, 17:42
this is just horrible why us xx

09-08-10, 18:18
are you back to work next wed sharon35? is there anyone in work that knows what you are going through and that will help you? i have decided today that i must not keep worrying about work, if i cant get in i cant get in. i was wondering how long most of you have had anxiety/depression etc? how are you feeling julieliverpool?

15-08-10, 12:20
Sorry Atki,
only just seen this to reply to.
Ive been signed off work for a month so hopefully will be able to sort myself out in this time. Ive had panic attacks for years first started about 13 years ago when i worked in a barbers shop and happened after a heavy wkend. I left that job in the end and was out of work for awhile. my attacks dont happen very often but when they do they knock me for 6 and i cannot do anything ive left a few jobs because of it. last attack 2 years ago before this one. keeping my fingers crossed this time.
Hope you are ok?? let me know how you are getting on please.
And Juileliverpool hope you are ok too message whenever you like. xxx