View Full Version : Gland in neck ?

06-08-10, 15:18
Had a bit of a sore neck this morning when i moved it and as you do had a bit of a feel. I found what i can only describe as a lump on the left side of my neck and also just above my collar bone, if you travel along the left collar bone and stop midway its just above that theres no definate outline to the lump it just moulds into one, i hope im making sense here. I have one in the same place on the other side but its not as swollen , im panicking a bit as im thinking it could be lymphoma or thyroid or even breast related can't get a doctors appointment till wednesday as well, im not on any anti anxiety meds either at the moment which isnt helping my thoughts, one other thing is that when i move my neck certain ways the lump goes away.... well isnt as prominent , can anyone help me with this as i,m determined not to google as i know it will point to the big c , really worried about this x

06-08-10, 17:46
yeah must be a gland kittykat try not to stress about it

06-08-10, 18:50
i have exactly the same thing!
I have had this since i was 5 (i'm 20 now)! My old doc checked me out when i was little and said it was nothing to worry about.
I have been to the doctors about it this week because i was panicking after a googling session. - God knows why.

Don't worry, some people can just feel lymph nodes in their neck and collarbone !


11-08-10, 21:08
Just wondering how you got on at the doctors? xxx

16-08-10, 09:45
Hi all, went to the doctors about this as i can feel two glands on each side of my neck above my collar bone both swollen but especially the left one, anyway mentioned it to him and he said it was swollen but he couldnt feel any hard or obvious lumps and not too worry about it, well today my left one is really swollen again i feel perfectly well but this is just really worrying me as it is really quite swollen, i dont know if this is natural but my family dont have this so now im thinking doctor has missed something and i have lymphoma or something im always scared he puts everything down to my Ha but its just with him saying it was swollen what do i do? As you know im really resisting the google trap !

16-08-10, 09:59
it sounds like a knot ... you have tendons etc all along there and they can become lumpy feeling. what you described sounds exactly like that. Have you been feeling tense or stressed as that is when they flare up.
I would go get a remedial massage which will help ease up the knots and will feel good too.