View Full Version : So much to do this weekend... need some reassurance! :)

06-08-10, 15:56
Hi guys,

Iv got such a busy weekend starting today really - been out for lunch and im going out for tea tonight which im worried about, iv also got my friends wedding tomorrow and iv never been to a wedding before and im so anxious about that because i know il just be anxious and panicky all day and all i want is to enjoy the day!! Then on Sunday iv got my friends baby's christening which is another day of anxiety...

It drives me mad because i should be looking forward to it and be able to enjoy myself with friends but instead im soooooo worried about it all!
Im knackered already so god knows how im going to get through it.. anxiety drains me so much and im dreading waking up in the morning feeling ill which will make it harder (suffer from health anxiety too)

Just need some words of encouragement really because im not going to let it beat me but im going to need so much strength to get through it.. xx

06-08-10, 16:51
when it comes to the morning your mind will be so busy getting ready you will find you wont think about anxiety ,,have a great weekend take some mints to suck if you feel panic rising xxxx

06-08-10, 16:52
I total sympathise, I find it hard to deal with having plans for a day or a weekend, try to take one day at a time and you will find that when you are in the moment (be it dinner, wedding or christening) you will enjoy it. Think to yourself 'I don't have to do anything, I am going because i want to'. You will be absolutely fine and feel so proud of yourself once you have enjoyed these experiences. My mum always says to me: 'Do you want to live half a life or a whole life?'. Enjoy and let us know how everything went x

06-08-10, 16:56
i know how you feel! its horrible when you're panicking about fun things!! just ride the anxiety out and after a while you will see you are enjoying yourself. if you do panic, just take a few minutes out for yourself and then return to the occassion. Good luck and enjoy!

06-08-10, 17:19
Just try to stay calm, be organised so that you are not in a rush all the time and just try and enjoy.

06-08-10, 22:36
Thankyou soo much guys, its always nice to get reassured by people who know exactly how you're feeling about the situation etc instead of someone telling me just to forget about the panic an get over it... As we all know that is much much easier said than done!

I will try my best this weekend and try and enjoy myself.. I will also take it easy on myself an not put too much pressure on me to push myself to do everything etc which i always do, but it always makes things worse!

And you're so right... I dont have to do anything! Im going because i want too but i am not trapped there in anyway which i will continue to tell myself over the weekend.

Thank you again, appreciate it x

09-08-10, 13:34
Well, I did the weekend :D

The Wedding was hard... realllllyyyy tough to get through and i think i had about 10 panic attacks throughout the day and inbetween those i was very anxious, so i felt pretty ill as u can imagine but i got through it... and enjoyed it! Because i just tried to forget about the pounding heart etc etc I was very shaky but didnt freak out and everyone around me would have thought i was 'normal' because i didnt run away or anything.... i split the day up into sections which helped alittle, i knew i wanted to see the church service, then was the meal, then the speeches and then the disco... i knew i could leave after the meal and speeches etc so i calmed alittle then because id done the main parts... but by this point i just felt ill with tiredness and anxiety, so i came home after the disco part had started because i knew i had to do the the next day.....

So yesterday was the christening and i woke up feeling sooooo weak, drained, muscle pain, achy and just generally run down from the day before... but i had some lunch and went and was more or less fine there because it was more relaxed and closer to home than the day before. I felt ill and tired but i knew it was just anxiety so i tried to ignore it...

So after all that, i did feel ill, i did panic ALOT, i did get anxious and scared BUT i got through it.... I got to see my friends get married and my best friends little boy get christened so all in all, a great weekend and lots of great pictures! :)

Thank you for your support, xx

09-08-10, 17:18
Good for you! I'm well impressed that you did all this in spite of feeling anxious and you still feel positive about the good aspects. I'm sure you feel much better having gone and felt those feelings than if you had just stayed home the whole time. That's what we need to remember I think, feeling the fear and doing it anyway and doing things because we want to not because we have to. Thanks for updating us on how it went xxx