View Full Version : My story (as best as i can put it) and hi all

23-02-06, 02:48
Hello i'm 17 years old I was doing my GCSE's at college (after leaving secondary school early due to bullying and lost chance of them first time around) two weeks before my exams (may 2005 bad timing eh) I started with well what I believed to be Heart attacks or cancer or something else (constant diziness, hot sweats, fear of almost everything mainly been around people even family, falling feeling/out of body feeling, twitching, stuttering, palpations,numb feeling at times,) and was then told it was an ear infection which of course was wrong!!!(vertigo i think i was told or something similar)

Then after a few more trips to the local GP I was finaly diognosed with anxiety panic attack disorder with agraphobia since I have started with the panic attacks I have spent 6 months inside my house (non stop except for Hospital and the gp trips and a further 2 or so months trying every known treatment possible including going out on little trips to the local shops or city centre which has usuely gone dreadfully ( all with the help of my mum i mention these trips as after everything they have ans still are the hardest) I even left college due to the fear of been outside and even close to so many people and I'm ashamed to say gone through 3 failed attempts of suicide which I have been sent to the Hospital (A&E i think its called *shrugs*) for on all 3 cases through attempted dangerous overdose's!!!

Well thats my story so far I pray this chapter ends soon and I can finnaly say that I can go out easier and hopefully have a life and what I have seen so far from this site/forum i do hope postine here may be the start so everyone thank you in advance and im always here to try help others in return if I can!!!

23-02-06, 03:22
Hi Thundersquall

Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you've been having a difficult time. There is no reason to feel ashamed about the attempted suicide. I had also attempted suicide 3 times by the age of 17, my first attempt being when I was 13, and it is just a reflection of your struggle to cope.

Are you receiving any help for these difficulties from a therapist?

I understand how it all feels like you will never get through it but it is possible and people do recover.

You might like to start by looking at the information in the First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps) article.

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

23-02-06, 04:39
Welcome Thundersquall,

This is a great site, with lots of understanding people. I hope that you get the advice and help you need.

Good Luck,

23-02-06, 08:08
hi thundersquall

one thing i can tell you is that you are not alone. hope we can all help, we will do our best

23-02-06, 08:44
Welcome to the site Thundersquall!

You will find lots of wonderful people here who have been in similar positions!

I was diagnosed with Vertigo too (long after i started having panic attacks) and wouldn't be surprised if it precipitated the anxiety, it is such a horrible frightening experience and is often viral... but anxiety symptoms are so similar anyway!

Good luck - have a good look round!


23-02-06, 09:13
A big welcome to the site to you and I am sure you will make some new friends here and above all realise you are not on your own!!! :D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-02-06, 09:16
Hi Thundersquall, Welcome to the site !:D
Hopefully you'll find lots of comfort, reasurence ans advice on here to help you along you road to recovery !:D

23-02-06, 09:35
Hi Thundersquall,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-02-06, 10:02
Hi Thunderquall,

Sounds like you certainly have been through a rough time of it.

I have agraphobia to so do understand how you feel. Now you have joined this great site you will find lots of good help & advice on here.

Take good care hun


Ma Larkin
23-02-06, 13:33
Hi Thundersquall, welcome to the site. Your name sounds familiar, have you been on the site before? I'm a lot older than you, started with panic attacks within hours of taking an overdose, but that was 12 months ago. I thought it was just a side effect of the tablets I took, but 12 months on i'm still suffering, although not half as bad as what it was. I haven't suffered from agrophobia, probably the opposite, I enjoy going out, but I can understand how debilitating it must be for you & as you'll see from the replies you get on your post, there are lots of people who you will be able to relate to, who are going through exactly the same symptoms. Hope things get easier for you.


23-02-06, 20:15
Hi Thundersquall

Welcome aboard and hope we can be of some support to you.


23-02-06, 21:12
Hello Thundersquall,

I hope we can be of some help here. In fact, I'm pretty sure there will be people here you can really relate to, and they will help you through all this.

You'll never be alone here.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-02-06, 13:29
Hi Thundersquall,

What you have been through is fairly common and it seems you have had a while undiagnosed when health anxiety caught you.

I hope you are now in regular CBT which will help you. Also the No Panic recovery helpline is well worth signing up for.

You can get over this, it will take effort and time but you have both of those within you.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?