View Full Version : Blood Pressure/Obsessive Checking

06-08-10, 16:53
Hi Everyone,
I am 37, female with an average blood pressure of 107/74 after two years of checking obsessively. It all started because a couple of times I had "spikes" at the doctor's office like 140/90 or so. I started fearing high blood pressure and only felt better if I checked to make sure it was okay. I finally had to get rid of my home monitor because I was checking thirty times a day. I then went to checking once a week at the grocery store but that quickly becames several times a week and then if I happened to get a higher number (which to me is anything higher than 115/75) that would set off numerous trips to stores around the area until I would get a lower number. It has gotten so bad that I think about when I will take it, what I will eat before and when, what I will drink, etc). I also base my happiness and ability to function based on getting a good reading, so the more pressure i feel to get a good reading the more anxious I am so the higher the number. My doctor told me finally that I needed to stop taking it, that I don't have high blood pressure and that if I have to take it no more than once a month. Well it has been five days and I am anxious alot I want to check but I don't and I know I shouldn't. My goal is to refrain from taking it until I get back from vacation on the 23rd of August or even Sept 1st since that will be a month and that is what my doctor said to do. It's hard.

Does anybody go through this or been through it...any advice?


margaret jones
06-08-10, 18:20
Hi Ivy
We are just the opposite i hate taking mine because of the outcome mine is always high , but when i wore a monitor for 24 hrs last yr it was fine so I am trying to ignore the fear and take mine only when i feel really relaxed .

Good luck with your ambition not to take it for a while you can do it Maggiexxx

06-08-10, 18:29
i did the same for a year i found it made my anxiety worse my advice get rid of it you will feel better believe me xx

06-08-10, 20:21
i used to check my blood pressure all day too,if it was up a little like you id be checking more until i got a number that was acceptable for me,i have veered off the constant checking a little but still get days when am always doing it ,i tried so hard not to check mine tonight as that was a ritual of mine,once kids all bathed and settled check my blood pressure,ifn i dont check it im fussing about until i do go check it course then its up cos i been worrying about it etc etc ,,thankfully it is easing up a little,

07-08-10, 14:34
Thanks for the reponses. You all are right, checking it drives it higher and then i get into a cycle until it goes lower. It was getting to the point though that even if it was lower i would check it a day or two later and it is just consuming so much time. I haven't checked it in six days and i really don't want to. Sundays are hard though so i am anticipating trouble tomorrow.
We will see.

07-08-10, 16:06
I don't have any advise as I am in exactly the same place right now, I have even refused to go out today with my family so that I can be quivering alone here worrying myself silly by checking mine. I even got myself a blood sugar recording thing as after a random moderately high reading once (when in A&E with a PA) I am convinced I also have diabetes.

To logical people it just sounds bananas, and probably is, but I know how compulsive it can be to keep checking. I could have typed your post almost word for word, so you are not alone. (not that that helps!)

07-08-10, 18:18
It helps to know i am not alone. I am sorry you are staying home today instead of spending time with your family. I have been there, making plans all around my checking schedule. I have not checked for six days and I am feeling a little like I want to today. Weekends are hard because I don't have to work. I am not going to check though....I know I will never beat this if i give in. I know the anxiety is just uncomfortable but I have to take this step or I will do this forever. I have already wasted two years..I don't even have high blood pressure, I have low blood pressure. Do you actually have high blood pressure Alice? I am just trying to stay busy so I don't give in. I just keep thinking nobody I know, even those with high blood pressure check like i do, it isn't realistic.
Thanks all:hugs:

07-08-10, 20:22
I don't no, it has been borderline high twice but both were during hospital examinations. Both times round 140/90.

Usually at home its round 116/70 or sometimes less.

Sounds like you are doing really well Kivyt :o)

07-08-10, 20:51
even your highest reading of 140/90 is nothing to worry about. my blood pressure has been all over the place since i had thyroid trouble and within the space of a few minutes it can vary from 146/90 to 110/70 - i do not take mine anymore - the gp told me that anyone who took their blood pressure several times a day would get big variations.

08-08-10, 18:38
I moved this thread over the health anxiety since I definately think it relates. Thanks in advance for any support.

08-08-10, 20:32
I have my own blood pressure machine too and check it regularly, my worry is the opposite , that it will be too low and I'm dying!