View Full Version : same old

06-08-10, 18:07
I haven't posted for a while, but unfortunately is doesn't mean my health anxiety has got any better. I feel so fed up with this anxiety - I'm always worrying about what cancer I have got, even minimal contact with my body makes me question whether or not I can feel a lump and the uncertainty of not being sure just results in me continually checking and not feeling reasurred at all.

I'm even starting to question whether breast examinations by qualified Dr's were accurate or whether a lump has been missed - will this torment ever end?

07-08-10, 03:10

Remember, doctor's rarley miss anything in breat examinations. From personal experience, generally they even investigate the slightest lump or abnormality in a breast.

With other cancer worries, if you've had a full blood test (which I'm almost certain you would have), it would have indicated even the slightest abnormality in your body. Even when we have a common cold or an allergy a full blood test can detect it's presence. It can even tell you've had a cold if you've had it in recent weeks.

It's a common thing to worry about, even people without anxiety worry about it. The thing is we have obsessive thoughts over it whereas others can shrug it off and only worry about it every now and then.

Don't feel your body for lumps. It becomes and obsession and then you need to feel it and the more you do it the more you worry that you've missed something. I used to do the same thing with my pulse and temperature, and I understand that it's really hard and scary to stop because we need the reassurance that something isn't wrong, but it's important to try.

Remember, it is normal to have lumps and bumps all over your body :) As hard as it is to accept, you need to try and accept that doctors do know what they are talking about, and the more we question them the worse we make our anxiety. They deal with these illnesses and symptoms every single day, we need to trust their judgement :) I know it's hard, but the more you try to accept it the easier it gets. I've been there before so I understand.

The torment will end. And remember, it can only make us stronger people in the end :)

07-08-10, 08:13
i have the same problem not about cancer but about my heart ive had many test all come back normal but still i just cant except it. i keep thinking they must have missed something, now because i have on a daily basis chest pain and burning in my breast im starting to think there might be something wrong there. i cant be much help but your not alone i just wish that every time i go to sleep that i wake up a new person as yet that hasn't happened, so i just keep hoping that this will all go away as quick as it came. hope u feel better soon
zoe x