View Full Version : Coped really well

06-08-10, 18:36
I had an interview with an Occupational Therapist this morning and had an interview to help me back into work this afternoon.

Felt really anxious about this afternoon's interview because I haven't been in that kind of environment for a long time, apart from at the doctors.

When I got there, the man greeted me, shook my hand, which made me feel anxious as I have germs issues and when I arrived in his office, I wondered how I would cope as I was feeling anxious.

Eventually I felt ok, because his understanding of me and my needs, really calmed me down and how I felt, vanished out of the window, so to speak.

When he showed me the computer screen and boxes with questions in, I thought I would possibly not be able to cope, when I realised I'd have to be there, quite a long time.

Looking forward to a fun n relaxing weekend, I tell you.

PM me if you wanna know the organisation I went to, if you are on a disability benefit and wanna return to work. I highly recommend this organisation.

I worried for nothing and am so proud of myself with what I have achieved today.

06-08-10, 18:38
great bet your happy you went now :)

06-08-10, 19:40
Hi, Did you manage to get a possiblility of a job out of it?

06-08-10, 19:52
Hi, Did you manage to get a possiblility of a job out of it?

No I didn't.

Early stages of being helped I am at the mo.

06-08-10, 20:27
Well done for getting through the interview. I got back into work through a scheme to help people on incapacity benefit back to work, I actually ended up working for them as an information and support officer, I have changed jobs since but they are fantastic for support.

06-08-10, 22:55
Good for you, hope you have a lovely weekend.

06-08-10, 23:59
That's absolutely fantastic Ju - I am so very proud of you hunni :)