View Full Version : woman who r pregnant or had children?

06-08-10, 19:10
Just need a little advice as I never had this with my first child! I can feel my baby kick but its very low down feel like I can feel the kicks just above my privet area :blush: Is this normal?
Thankx x

06-08-10, 19:19
please don't worry leean that's fine i had the same feelings don't forget our babies are in a bag of water and that will move around, if you need advice ask your midwife but i am sure she with reassure you that it's fine, how far on are you. All your muscles are stretching down there aswell.

my love to you crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-08-10, 19:19
As far as I can remember, yes. I think when the baby jumps on your bladder, it can feel really low-hence the mad dash to the loo as you get bigger!!! If you are really worried, see/call your miswife or doctor for extra reassurance. :)

Congratulations on the pregnancy, by the way!!!:D


06-08-10, 19:24
Thanks :) im only 19 weeks think thats why I was abit concern xxx Thank you for the fast replies xxx

06-08-10, 20:21
Yes this is normal. At 19 weeks your baby will constantly be turning so it's probably their feet kicking against your bladder or cervix. I was once sat on public transport and though the baby was coming out she was kicking so hard on my cervix. I was convinced a foot or something was coming out, lol. Savour every moment, am very jealous ;)

06-08-10, 20:27
thank you dodo! that's what it feels like! I will start to enjoy it now instead of panicking the baby's on the way out lol :roflmao:

06-08-10, 21:02
I only felt them really low down for ages, until about 27 weeks or so I think.

06-08-10, 21:09
All very normal... enjoy the experience and the very best wishes sent ... let us know about the baby when born please ... x

06-08-10, 21:11
Remember it's when baby doesn't kick that you need to be asking quesions of your MW.

It was probably at your stage I was getting those wierd feelings/kicks. Felt just like it was about to pop out. But of course she didn't, it just felt uncomfortable. Was overcooked in the end!

Enjoy your 20 week scan :)

06-08-10, 21:32
My scan is next Wednesday I cant wait! will let you all know what the sex is not unless he/she has legs crossed x :)

07-08-10, 08:35
Good Luck with your scan :)

I know what you mean about the low down kicks. When i first felt my baby kicking this is where i would feel it. My partner use to laugh at me xx

11-08-10, 18:44
Hiya every one just a little up date! had my scan today everything was fine with baby and im having a boy :) xx

11-08-10, 20:48
Ooooo congratulations. I have two boys, well men now aged 29 and 26 and a daughter aged 17.
If I remember rightly I felt my second and third child moving about much earlier than my first.
Its very exciting being pregnant but also very frightening, very best wishes to you and take care.

11-08-10, 21:27
Ah lovely leeann, hope you're feeling a bit better as well :)

12-08-10, 10:16
im 23 weeks and my baby is low down kicking right where it hurts ,so your not alone it is normal , mines a boy aswell must be a man thing lol good luck with rest of your pregnancy xxx