View Full Version : So scared - need a biopsy ='( could use some re-assurance

06-08-10, 19:19
ever since i was little i've had a lymph gland on my neck thats been slightly enlarged.
I got checked out by a doctor and he said i was fine.
That was about 15 years ago.
I noticed i could also feel two more lymph nodes above my collar bone, one on either side and didnt know how long they had been there so I made an appointment with my new doctor.
He sent me for a blood test and the nurse rushed my results due to my level of anxiety.

My bloods are showing slight inflamation and my doctor doesnt think its "anything sinister" but wants me to go for a biopsy just to make sure.
He thinks it is a chronic infection that i have had for ages so it's probably nothing major.
Obviously i am freaking out and i am convinced i have lymphoma =(!
My biopsy is on sept 10th!
Im so scared =( xxx

06-08-10, 19:26
oh helen louise, you must be feeling awful, but you have to remember if there was a problem you would be seen a lot earlier, please stay as positive and calm as you can muster, you have already been told by someone who knows your symptoms that it is only a precaution they have to cover there backs at every turn, to make sure they are covered at all times, be nice to yourself and believe that everything will be fine.

my love to you crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-08-10, 19:27
Havent got any advice just wanted to give you a :hugs:Im sure its fine and just a slight infection that can be treated xxxx

06-08-10, 22:15
Hi Helen, i just posted something similar to which you replied , i have them on both sides as well but the one on the left is slightly larger and its more a raised lump /swelling than pea sized so im thinking all sorts lymphoma etc and i dont see doctor till wednesday, i cant really give you any advice on this but wish you well and im sure it will be fine, its always the waiting thats the worst x

06-08-10, 22:27
aw hun, theres nothing worse than waiting i know, but i had a swollen lymph node in my groin and i totally freaked!!! but it went eventually (once i stopped poking and prodding it!!!) theyre very commen and can be there for ages xxx

07-08-10, 11:21
Thankyou for all your support!
Naturally I am thinking the worst!
Thing is now though - I have read too much info on lymphoma and am now constantly analysing myself for other symptoms!
Last night I woke up really hot - normally I would just assume it was the time of the month but instead i just thought " this is cancer"

everyone keeps telling me it's not going to be cancer because the doctor would have made my appointment sooner but I am convinced it's going to turn out bad xxx

07-08-10, 12:04
helenlouise.....just wanted to say....hi and thinking of you ......your friends around you are telling you the truth but i know it is so hard to register isnt it.
thinking of you and wishing you all the very best, love tracey xxxxx

07-08-10, 12:31
I meant to add also Helen that i had a blood test that showed inflammation as well it was a crp test i think ......the doctor then redone it a week later and the levels were back to normal , he told me that anything can cause inflammation even from the smallest spot , so hope that helps you a bit maybe you could ask hime to redo the test before you go on the 10th sep as the inflammation may well be gone xx

07-08-10, 13:01
helen im sure doc is doing biopsy because that is common practice when gland stays up. there is no way it would be cancer because it has been so long you would be very ill.

07-08-10, 13:05
hi hun just wanted to send you hugs ((((hugs)))) . ive got some in my neck that ive been aware of since i was about 13. I think like others have said, some people have more noticable ones than others. Im sure all will be ok hun xxxxxxxxxx

08-08-10, 04:00
Hey Helen!

You must be feeling awful. I had some abnormal bloods come back at the start of the year and a bunch of tests and I was a nervous wreck. They needed to do more in depth tests and I was so scared I had something like leukemia. Then a few weeks later they were normal again and the doctor told me it was just because I had had a virus recently (I'd gotten sick whilst I was travelling) and my body was still recovering and my immune system very active.

Remember, if they thought there was a chance of it being something as serious as lymphoma your biopsy would be done within days, so whilst it's highly unlikely that it is anything so serious they're just checking to make sure and to rule out everything they can.

They've mentioned a chronic infection, which is much more likely than something like lymphoma. Sometimes when we get viruses our body still has trace amounts which affect certain areas. Like glandular fever can keep making someone tired or have enlarged glands for years!

Remember, you've got a great support team here and your doctor sounds like he's doing all he can to find out what it is :) And they rushed your tests for your anxiety. It sounds like a very considerate and understanding practise!

Stay strong!