View Full Version : health anxiety and spots

06-08-10, 19:40
Hello everyone ,

I know this is going to sound very strange ... can anxiety bring out spots over the body... like normal spots.. im not referring to rashes and stuff but just normal spots??

i think where i keep touching parts of my body ( looking for abnormailties) has brought some out on my neck and back of the head ?

I have had a tension headache for two weeks lol thats the reason for constant head touching.

any help would be great



06-08-10, 19:56
anyone at all?

I know it sounds silly but it had me worried :)

06-08-10, 20:08
Hiya I get spots on my back and face! when im stressed out they come out worse xx

06-08-10, 20:17
thanks for the reply.. :)

just acting like a bit of a weirdo

06-08-10, 20:18
Aww no your not :) we all worry about stuff! thats why this forum is good because no one judges you x

06-08-10, 20:20
have you ever suffered from long duration headaches ?

06-08-10, 20:22
Yep and its awful :( Get them quite a lot the more we worry the longer they stay :(

06-08-10, 20:23
its had me in a bad way for the best part of two weeks.. cant seem to shake it off.. how do you go about getting rid of yours?

06-08-10, 20:25
drink plenty of water and take paracetamol and try to relax (that part is easier said then done) It will go x

06-08-10, 21:14
How long did urs last for ?? Was the headache all over stemming from the neck ?!