View Full Version : am i going to die???

06-08-10, 20:19
i keep going dizzy, have a tension type headache and the bridge of my nose feels tight, feel sick and also feels as if my breathing is restricted!!!!, i am so scared!!!


06-08-10, 20:30
Deep breaths (you are not dying) your just panicking :) I get this as well! im getting it as I type to you, I suffer with sinus terrible so I think that has alot to do with it I feeel pressure all over the bridge of my nose over my eyes and head which makes me feels swaying and dizzy x

06-08-10, 20:55
thanx leean, do you find it feels as if you are really weak and like your head is being dragged down from behind???, its the dizzyness i hate, makes me feel like im going to die!!! are you on any meds?? and do you take anything for the dizzyness??

06-08-10, 21:38
No im not on meds they did give me a spray for my nose but im pregnant and they stopped it so suffering really bad at the moment :( and I dont take anything for dizziness the doctor seems to think that just anxiety but I get it worse when my nose is playing up so I think its to do with sinuses (sp) I feel like my head is going to explode! xx and yep I feel so weak from it :( ive been suffering with this for few years now horrible x

Kerry B
06-08-10, 21:47
Hi Kay, Please believe me the dizzy is part of anixety, nothing is going to happen to you, at one point I was dizzy constantly for 6 weeks 24/7 it was the most scariest time of my life, and it was all down to anxiety, I saw four doctors and still didnt believe them, but the more you focus on it the longer its stays. Are you on any meds. xx

06-08-10, 22:01
hi kerry im on citalapram!!, its just rubbish when ive got a 8 month old little girl who i cherish and want to enjoy but am scared to pick her up when im dizzy incase i callapse or something!!!, do you ever get pain in your head and prickly sensations???

06-08-10, 22:40
i get this, its scarey but its all anx!! i try and do some deep breathing and focus on something else! the more we panick the worse it gets hun xxx

06-08-10, 22:41
oh and i suffer with my sinus too! xx

margaret jones
06-08-10, 22:43
Hi Kay sorry you are not feeling well sounds like sinus problem i get the dizzy feeling and pressure around front of face and nose I use inhalations with menthol or olibas oil and find that this does help to clear my head and relief the pain somewhat , maybe worth mentioning it to your GP or the pharmasist and see what they recommend

Hope you feel better soon tc Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-08-10, 11:15
I have this, dizziness affecting eyes and balance and a feeling of sinus pressure.

09-08-10, 11:22