View Full Version : starting cit in the morn, worried bit excited too can i post on here for my progress?

06-08-10, 21:32
hiya, been off zispin for 3 weeks due to weight gain,and didnt feel was doing much nemore, ne way after a major panic attack yesterday down to my cancer phobia, docs put me on cit 10mg, i asked for low dose coz im scared of side effects, im not worried bout all the side effects just the heightened anxiety etc, as thats why ive stopped taking certain meds in the past, but ive heard so many good stories on cit if you persevere that i want to try them and hope they give me some life back, im hopeing i can come on here daily to record how im getting on etc if thats ok? xx

06-08-10, 22:13
oh dear no one ever replys to me!! getting bit paranoid!! lol xx

06-08-10, 22:21
don't be paranoid. of course you can post your progress. many others do!

what are you taking the cits for?

good luck!

06-08-10, 22:24
thanks steve, theyre mainly for bad anxiety and health anxiety, i hate side effects so im really nervous but have heard theyre good once they start working!! x

06-08-10, 22:25
Hi Bexy,

I am currently reducing on mirtazipine...but have taken citalopram on and off for around 9 years previously and it really helped me. Yes some people do experience side effects when starting them but its not everyone as we are all different...you might just sail through it.

Please post away...there are alot of others with experiences of cit so you will be supported and I will certainly do all I can to help you.

Good luck...and dont worry the posts will come through...some people just take time to answer sometimes.

Take care hun.

06-08-10, 22:27
so many people have different effects on them. some people have no side effects and some are really bad. see how you go on 10mg and hopefully you'll be fine and feel the good effects very soon to help you with your anxiety.

i started on 10mg and if i'm honest, the side effects hit me bad, but they passed after a few weeks.

best of luck to you - hope you get no SE :)

06-08-10, 22:29
thanks hun, will keep posting as from tomoz when i take the first one!! xx:winks:

06-08-10, 22:30
look forward to the positive reports!

06-08-10, 22:37
fingers crossed!!!

07-08-10, 02:47
Hello bexy! I too have bad anxiety and health anxiety. I am in the early stages with Cipralex and know where you are at. The side effects can play madness when you have health anxiety, but just know that that is what is going on, and it does get better. Post away girl, it sure helps to just get it out there! Good luck, and I will be watching for your progress:hugs:

07-08-10, 10:11
Hi Bexy! I am glad you want to share your progress with us because I am in the same boat than you. I just took my first citalopram about 30 minutes ago and I am very worried of side effect but hey, they are just side effects so I will grit my teeth and get through it. So I will be logging on everyday to read your progress and if you dont mind, I will tell you about mine so we get eachother through it. :hugs:

Recently I stopped taking fluoxetine as that was doing nothing for my anxiety and I stopped taking it 6 days ago in preparation of starting the cit, 20 mg a day. So, hope to hear from you soon


Tami xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

07-08-10, 10:14
bexy and tami - please please dont worry about side affects...i have been on them four weeks.....and side affects are zero!...the only thing i have noticed that my panic/anxiety has heightened but they say this is normal and will subside....i cannot wait until it does.
please be positive....and hopefully you will not experience any affects....try not to look for them xxxx if you need me i am only a click away, love tracey xxxx

annie 1968
07-08-10, 11:05
I am currently on my 4th day of taking 10 mg of cit. I have had some mild side effects ie lightheadness,slight nausea,lack of appetite and the worse one is the insommnia. I nearly gave up after day 2 but i am determined to grit my teeth and stick it out. If its gonna make my anxiety better then i am prepared to ride out the side effects for a couple of weeks. My anxiety has also gone through the roof,but i know that can happen in the first couple of weeks. Hang on in there. I found reading psycopoets guide spurred me on and be positive about the future:)

Annie x

07-08-10, 11:52
I am just at the end of 4 weeks of taking cit. The initial week was horrendous but i perservered and read the positives under the cit thread. The second week wasn't great but I was improving and the third week i felt rather great at most times but teh anxiety is still bubbling away and I still get little fleeting flushes through my whole body. This is the second time on them for me and I have to say that the first time they did wonders and stick with it despite all teh nasty side effects. And a bonus also is my PMT and low mood at that 'time of the month' also went! All the best x

07-08-10, 12:10
thanks everyone!! well first one down my gob this morn!!! had a bit of a rush to the loo an hour afta! sorry if tmi lol ,:ohmy:but dont know if it was the cit or just my anxious tum!!!!going to try and not focus on it and get on with the day, im just hopeing they work,loads of people swear by them so im going to persevere!! xx:)